SSC P7 bin choice


Feb 12, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
If I plan on using a shiningbeam driver (sku 1217) to power a single SSC P7, running off a single 18650, any suggestions on which SSC to use DSWOJ or DSWOI. Any advice is always appreciated
If I plan on using a shiningbeam driver (sku 1217) to power a single SSC P7, running off a single 18650, any suggestions on which SSC to use DSWOJ or DSWOI. Any advice is always appreciated

nether dx nor kd has that sku number, do you wanna give us the link.

if it is p7 driver,, and is made to work with single cell, it doesn't really matter for the driver which bin you get. weather you want lower lm but warmer tint, or wise versa is a different story.
Those are bin numbers. The first letter or letter+number is the flux bin, showing how bright it is. In your case D is the flux bin for both.

The next 3 (SW0) are the CCT bin, telling you the tint of the LED.

Last is the Vf (minimum voltage to light the LED at specification drive current). The "lower" the letter the better, so you'll want the "I" bin over the "J" bin.
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BTW, as long as you are using the ShiningBeam regulator, you'd be much better off with the "I" voltage bin P7. The "J" bins are better for direct drive with less chance of frying the LED. But the "I" bin with a regulator is safer and will stay in regulation longer as the 18650 drains.:)

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