

Apr 30, 2009
Hello CPF,
I am a absolutely newbie, so please forgive me my not knowing anything and my bad english, but there are some things I want to share with you:
I read a lot of threads about SST-90, made my opinion and want to push the discussion about, how to get life into this emitter. The one I used for the following is an SST-90-W65S-F11-GK100, lowest binning... I got one GM100 last week, not far away from GN/WNxxx , but I did not want to waste time and money to have another P7 with same lumens but much more expensive... So here are the pics:

SST-90, lowest binning, Konion 1600 Li-MN battery (10C), DX-reflector, cheapest 0,75mm speaker cable:


Now some 1,2volts Ni-MH 2500mAh batteries, 3 in series, same configuration:


Now it´s getting interesting: 4x 1,2 volts Ni-MH , charger said 1,38 volts after charging, really experimental configuration and:


.... best regards from Frankfurt....
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wow 7 amp with only 4 aa ni/mh :thumbsup:

you need much much much more thick wires for get 9 amp with 4.2v
were you buy tre GM100 bin? price ? ship cost?

in avnet :
the GK100 around 1500 lum its at 36$ with star

GM100 around 2000 lum 40$ with star

GN100 2250 lum 46$ with star

all +78$ ship cost to europe :rant::rant:

the price of gm100 its good and it give 2000 lumens nice find :thumbsup:
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I bought them from a german dealer, price for single SSt-90-W65S-F11-GM100 is 25,00€ without tax and shipping, last week he said there are 250 of GM binning on stock:

I cant find the sst-90 and SSR-90 in this web.

im luking for one SSR-90 high bin..... maybe GM100 GM102 GN100 .....or maybe the best: the GN102

how to buy ? :thinking:
write an e-mail with your request to AMU, ask for Mr. Müller, I got this adress from EBV, european dealer for SST, but they only sell in high quantitiy.
It is a real noob question, but could 3 three AW 17670 in a FM Batt Holder (parallel) power up a SST90 higher than 7Amp?
It is a real noob question, but could 3 three AW 17670 in a FM Batt Holder (parallel) power up a SST90 higher than 7Amp?

its safe.
with 3 aw 17670 1600ma/h in parallel the current draw will be around 1.4c at 7 amp

1600x3= 4800 ma/h

7amp/4,800 a/h= 1,46c

you must use thick wires and maybe will be hard get 7 amp with this batteries .....the imr batteries are maybe better with lower internal resistance

what holder?
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I thought about a 3x 17670 Fivemega Batt Holder in a Tri Bored Mag Lite 1.5 D.

Does anyone know where i can get 17670 IMR Cells??
I thought about a 3x 17670 Fivemega Batt Holder in a Tri Bored Mag Lite 1.5 D.

Does anyone know where i can get 17670 IMR Cells??

maybe with your batteries and very very good electric contacts and thick wires you can obtain good currents
Hello moviles,
I think you are right when you say, that one should use really big wires to avoid high internal restistance- the wire I use you can see at the pics is not that thin- but its still too thin, cause onlly after 5 to 10 seconds it starts to gets really hot- so I decided to use some teflon wire with biggest gauge I could buy at CPF- ordered it on friday and wait for it to see how it works with the SST-90 and higher voltage input as described above- Its not the SST-90 which causes thermal problems, cause it stayed cool all the time I tested it, its erverything else between the SST and the battery, which has too high internal restistance....