My wife likes the reality type show Survivor so I always tape it and watch it with her. While normally true survival skills mean little, it is generally more a study in human nature and psychology than it is survival, last nights final actually came down to a true test of a survival skill. After 39 days in a primitive setting, a tie came down to a test of who could start a fire with a magnesium firestarter the fastest and have it burn through a string. Whoever did it was in the finals for a million dollars and as the voting turned out, the person who won it, either one of them would have won the million. One 57 yo guy did it fairly quickly and ended up winning the million, the other in his 30s failed miserably. Hard to believe that even with a mag strip someone could be so inept at it, especially after they had to do it day in day out to boil their water and for any cooking for over a month. They also know ahead that any ties in votes is always decided by a firestarting contest so one would think it an important skill. Had to laugh my butt off at the young guy.
Moral of this story? Learn and practice fire making skills, it may at the least cost you a million bucks, at worst it may cost you something much more dear.
Moral of this story? Learn and practice fire making skills, it may at the least cost you a million bucks, at worst it may cost you something much more dear.