The vanson seems to be a reasonable compromise. It's definitely cheap, does all common cell sizes. It can produce excellent charge results if you use it right, and by that I mean, leave the cells on the charger in trickle charge mode (green light) for a few hours after the charge has completed to really finish off the charge. for larger capacity cells, like 10AH Ds, that extra charging time may be like, an extra day...
That leads me to the major pit fall of that charger, which is it's charge rate. it's ideal for AAA and AA cells, in fact, almost perfect, it will detect termination reliably on AAA and AA cells almost 100% of the time. Leave em on for an extra couple hours after termination and you're golden. When dealing with C size cells, it does pretty good, the charging is slow, it seems to detect termination points about 95% of the timer or better. The problem arises on D cells, which in my experience, it will miss the termination about 20% of the time. But with such a slow charge rate, this is not really a huge factor, just be aware of how long they have been on, if It hasn't terminated a D size ~10AH after about 24 hours, then it may have missed the termination. I like to make sure I charge Ds in sets of 4 at a time, that way if 3 finish, and 1 is still going for several hours, I can usually assume it missed termination on that cell and can pull them all and they are done.
It has been a reliable charger overall and I can't complain, for the money it's a great deal.