Thank you for sharing your own thoughts on this lamp, Dave. I'm kind of surprised, in a measure. Back during the last winter when I was reading glowing reviews and cavers glowing reports, I was under the impression that this was THE light to own. I did read about folks having troubles with the switch when it got dirty, while caving, and some folks were cracking the lens during reassembly from changing optics/collimators (or something like that). Would you mind expounding on what things about this lamp you do not like? (besides the outdated leds, which you already mentioned).
I was not even aware of the Apex. I just bought an EOS, but I'd have gotten an Apex instead if I'd have known it existed. I see that there are 2x Apex models, one that uses AA and one that uses CR123 batteries. Why would they make this same light with these two different battery options? Would you happen to know what kind of light the Apex can put out, both stock and modified, compared to my Myo XP? I find myself wanting at least twice the brightness that I'm getting from the XP.
Thank you for the offer. I'm the kind of guy though that likes brand new, never touched by others hands before me, stuff. And I like warranties, too... if troubles should spring up.