Storing raw power?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2007
i learned how to make a generator with wires and magnets. (pretty easy just youtube it lol.)

but im still confused on how u can harness it...since it depends on how much wire/and magnets u use ...ect your getting random AC currents. so after seeing so many DIY vids and stuff i still dont know how they manage to store it and convert it to useable DC currents... any help?
AC power is converted to DC by the use of rectifiers. The most common rectifier is a simple diode. There are various arrangements that can be used, but a bridge rectifier is typical for bike lights.

As for storing power.... capacitors are one technology (energy is stored as an electric field). Batteries are another (energy is stored through chemical processes). Inductors are less frequently used for long term energy storage, but are often used for temporary energy storage in DC-DC converters (a.k.a. switching power supplies).
