Streamlight popularity on CPF? (and a hello from a newbie)


Sep 7, 2004
Corvallis (OSU)
I have several SL's. I EDC a TL-2 Incan (early model) in a custom belt pouch anytime I can have my daily carry gear on me. At work I have a Strion which is great for a use it all the time and not worry about batteries, light. I just got a PP 4xAA and it's great, it's getting lithiums and is up for trunk duty.
I don't own any SF's yet, but mainly because the TL-2 is about perfect for what I need. The size is great and I like the ergos, I just wish it was HA-III.


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
For my first high-end light, I'd probably have ended up buying an SL... but two things kept me from doing so. One, the Streamlight website is not as pretty as Surefire's (I do web design, so good-looking sites give me better impressions), and secondly, Surefire lights seem a lot sexier. That said, I do intend on getting a Propoly 4AA Luxeon after I buy the two other lights higher on my list (namely Arc-AAAP and Inova X5T). Even if they're not exactly the prettiest lights, the popularity of certain SL lights is hard to ignore.

Outdoors Fanatic

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 24, 2005
Land of Spiders
I have a Streamlight Strion and would not trade for a SUREFIRE light, especially because untill now, they don't have a light that will outperform the Strion in its class size/runtime/throw. I won't even mention the price issues...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2004
For throwing a bright white beam a maximum distance in a small flashlight, the Strion is impressive. . .most impressive.

In a dark valley, it gave my Surefire M3 with high output lamp a run for its money in terms of throw. Output, of course, was a different story.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2005
Outdoors Fanatic said:
I have a Streamlight Strion and would not trade for a SUREFIRE light, especially because untill now, they don't have a light that will outperform the Strion in its class size/runtime/throw. I won't even mention the price issues...

Strion is my first SL and it always end up in my pocket. It got he monster throw for its size and the TL-3 is another impressive light. A lot of people refer it as the "mini throw canon".
Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2005
I am not a fan of streamlight.... not very good finish, plastic reflectors (on most)... however, the TL2 and 2L have nice circuitry.



Dec 25, 2004
cheapo said:
I am not a fan of streamlight.... not very good finish, plastic reflectors (on most). . .

Well there it is. That's what keeps me from purchasing anymore Streamlights after the first couple of Scorpions and seeing my friends SL-T2s and SL-T3s. But like I mentioned above, I do have my eyes trained on them SL-ProPolymer and the SL-Strion. Maybe. . .But my other SureFire rechargeables DOES INDEED OUT THROW and OUT SHINE the Strion by FAR! I compared that with my neighbors' SL-Strions. Then again, Streamlight's Strion's size IS IDEAL! That's just me. . .


Newly Enlightened
Aug 30, 2004
Endeavour said:
Woah there, not that high, $145! ;)


Sorry about that Enrique. I've had my eye on a bronze aluminum which is a bit more money. Maybe I'll just go with titanium and be done with it. I screwed up and didn't get on the pre-orders and am now kicking myself.

Sorry about sidetracking the thread.

The SL TL-2's and NF-2's are great. You won't be disappointed. I just gave my boss a TL-2 for xmas. Unknown to me, he just bought and SF E2D and lost it. He wasn't familiar with Streamlight (??) and he absolutely loves the TL-2. He probably like the E2D better but he seems very happy with the TL-2.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 8, 2005
My first "real" flashlight was a SL Scorpion LED, and it is still my EDC light. I'm surprised it's not more popular than it is. Yes, there are things I feel could be improved on it, but heck, for under $50, you get one heck of a light. A comparable Surefire light will cost you far more (6P flashlight = $60, KL3 LED head = $60, Z49 clickie tailcap = $37, total cost = almost $160) for admittedly better construction and better battery life, but comparable throw and brightness. The big question is whether or not that build quality is worth an extra hundred bucks to you. For an everyday LED light with a top-notch warranty, a Scorpion LED is a fine choice.

As far as the Scorpion incandescent goes, it's a perfectly acceptable light. You can find it online for $30 easily, and the replacement bulbs are only $5 online, and it even comes with a spare ($17 or so bucks for a replacement lamp assembly still makes me cringe, and I don't even have a SF light yet!). The big problem with the bulbs used by SL is that they are the bi-pin type and can become unseated and stuck inside the head when you remove the head assembly to replace the batteries. My solution was to remove the small o-ring from the head that helped keep the bulb centered. While the bulb tended to not be centered after removing the o-ring, it had no effect that I could notice on the quality of the beam, and the pins provided enough friction that I could not make the bulb pop out of the base despite repeated attempts to do so. So, with this minor fix, the Scorpion becomes a perfectly usable light, with build quality that's good enough for most uses, and a typical incandescent beam (i.e. bright and throws a decent ways).

Someone earlier in the thread was dismissive of SL because they use plastic reflectors and their build quality wasn't up to SF levels. For 80-85 percent of SF build quality and beam quality at half the price, I'm more than willing to accept a few rough edges here and there. The novice just getting into acquiring a high-quality flashlight isn't going to typically jump into getting a SF for sixty plus bucks; a SL is a fine choice for a first-timer getting into the flashlight obsession. I'd point someone towards a Scorpion over a G2 simply because of the price difference between the SL bulbs and the SF lamp assemblies -- if someone can only afford to spend 30-40 bucks on a light, can they really afford to spend almost 20 every time the bulb blows?

In short, I greatly respect SF for what they produce and what they've acheived, but I recommend SL for first-timers hands down. For 95 percent of the people out there, and SL will do everything they need a light to do, and then some.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 23, 2003
I just got a Scorpion LED, it's a great little light, I like to use my light in my teeth (I have head lamps, but theyr'e never handy)--- the rubber coating rocks compared to sticking a HAIII SF A2 in the old chompers!!!---


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2005
Well, The beam quality on some of the streamlights wont be very good ( ex: TL-2) because it only uses a partially stippled reflector, which seems pointless to me. I went to my local Cabelas store, and they had a TL-2 on display, and the finish was rubbing off because I guess too many people had touched it.



Nov 26, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Hey JSR, welcome!

I don't have the Surefire light you mentioned (heck, i don't have any =/, i do have a G2 coming in the mail though :) ), but i do have the Peli M6 2390.

The light is really great, it throws pretty well for a LED light and has decent output. However it does chew through batteries pretty well though. I'd also imagine that Surefire's build quality would be a fair bit better than Pelican. When i first got the Peli, the light was not lubricated by the manu. and the threads on the Peli is a bit rough. You do get a pretty good holster with it that can carry two spare batteries though =D. Oh, the beam is great for most tasks except close work, you get a very focused tight spot of bright light with a large surrounding circle of artifact free "low" light (as in, not much lux). Oh one last thing, the Peli comes with a plastic lens, an UCL can be purchased for it however. Hope this helps!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Although it's old-tech the Scorpion still works for me: the rubber armoring, true clicky, size, feel & price are right - for me.

SLs are the workhorses in many of our stables; they just don't get a lot of mention.

SL's quality is at least that of the popular Nuwais, Peaks and others.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2005
I would strongly recommend the PM6 3W... I own one, and it is rediculously bright. HA3 is top notch! But buy some WD40 too for the threads.



May 22, 2005
jsr- Welcome to CPF!

While you are in the process of selecting lights, you may want to stick with a single battery size. Lights that use similar battery sizes would free you from the need to maintain stock of different batteries.

Streamlight with D size cell, do provide very long runtime during power failure.

My 2 cents.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2005
A vote for the SL TL-3 here! Awesome throw, and a spare bulb in the tailpiece.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 22, 2005
Thanks for all the responses. It still does seem that the tactical-style SLs aren't as popular as their other offerings (PP, Strion, etc.). I've had no problems w/ the finish on my TL-2s and that's from many many other metal things rubbing against them in close proximity (i.e. my fiance's purse which is a black hole for anything that will fit in it). The beam is fine for me, especially since I didn't expect a perfect beam from a light w/ adjustable focus. My Scorpion LED (my only SL w/ fixed focus) has a perfect beam. For the TL-2s, even when adjusted to spot, there are some artifacts, but like I said, not too bad and acceptable tradeoff for me to have the flood option (my house still doesn't have lights in several rooms). My friend's G2's beam is also not perfect...a bit oblong (and I've heard this is the case for other P60-based SFs), but no real artifacts.

Thanks also to those who gave me their opinions on the SF E1L vs. PM6 2390. I've since been bit by the micro-sized lights bug and am really digging the likes of the JIL CR2, Amilite Neo T3, etc. Between the E1L and PM6 2390, I think I'm leaning toward the E1L...especially considering I might be able to trade one of my TL-2s for my sister-in-laws PM6 xenon that's coming in the mail. It'll be some time before I buy another light tho...just spent a ton buying lights for everyone I know and their mother (literally!)...and father too! for x-mas.
I also seem to have a thing for collecting all the lights that look like the SF E1L (Nuwai Q3, Nextorch MM, BatteryJuction Iota, "Waion"s upcoming HAIII light...AAHHH, too many!).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2005
I own both an E1L and a PM6 3W, I like the PM6 MUCH better. The lack of spill on the E1L bothers me, and the beam-quality of the PM6 is a lot better. My particular E1L has a purple tint, and I hardly use it any more. The HA3 on the PM6 is better IMHO, but the overall build quality is better on the E1L. If you want more throw, and sidespill, get the PM6, but if you want a smaller light with good throw and no spill, go with E1L. They are about the same price too, but you can get a PM6 3W for $82 on Ebay.
