Streamlight Twin-Task 3AA LED only mod - EASY


Jul 10, 2006
Tiger Town
The xenon bulb in my Streamlight Twin-Task 3AA LED and Xenon light did very little for me. It doesn't put out enough light for me, especially when it doesn't last that long, comparatively speaking. After I modded my Task-Light 3AA, I found out how to open the Twin-Task lights (including my 3C). The switch on the 3AA version has four modes: off, LED, off and then xenon. A long time ago I ripped out the xenon bulb, which made me have to click an extra to get back to the off before the LED came on. The mod to make it LED only is simple.

Sorry there are no pictures for this one, but if you're looking at the back of switch PCB, you just need to solder the two points on the left and right together. This turns the light into an LED only light with the following switch patter: off, LED, off, LED.

Easy mod. If I take it apart again, I'll take pictures and put a little more detail. I want to add a driver circuit and maybe some brighter small LED's.
Any documentation on what you did to your 3AA Task light?
I modded a torch similar to one of these, removing the bulb and fitting a cluster of six red leds, so now I have a torch that can shine white or red as needed, useful for saving night vision.
Rob M,

Yeah it would be pretty easy to use the xenon connector to power another cluster of LED's, instead of turning it into a single use light. I just don't like having to cycle through modes that I don't use much. I was thinking about trying to mount a 3W led in the head so that I could choose between little bitty light and lots of light.

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