suggest smaller AA/AAA Light that beats LedLenser t7/p7?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2008
below polar circle.. in country which used to make
Yeah. im bored and started thinking about making an arrogant fellow choke on his high praised led lenser :)

jusr curious what AA or AAA powered flashlight would beat ledlenser t7 silly if needed..

it should be:
1. cheaper than t7 (here its 80-100$)

2. smaller and less weight (bigger the difference the better)

3. longer runtime (might be nice to put it lower mode as the t7 dims to keep them "equal" and when t7 looks dim, i could turn mine on higher again.. or change the battery for 1st time :) )

4. about equal brightness against the zoomed t7 (tall order.. but the t7 does start to dim fast.. so maybe i could manage in the competition if its close enough in beginning.. by minute 30 they likely are nearly even if mine is regulated..)

i am thinking about fenix tk20 that might be the thing to show the moron his place.. hah.

i would be more than ok with 1AA light that rivals the brightness of t7 and could beat t7s runtime using maybe one spare battery..

(yeah i know i can stun him with 18650 lights but i want the AA power to compete against his 4 AAA light.. both running with similar battery type but mine is smaller and uses less amount of batteries :). i was kinda hoping for energizer lithium batteries on both)

few 2aa lights i was thinking along with tk20
eagletac p100a2
eagletac p10a2
fenix ld20
olight t25
how is quark 2aa doing against these?

no hurry, there is atleast a month until "the showdown" can happen earliest.. (he is on a holiday trip)
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I dont think the tk20 is the way to go for this scenario. it definitely is an well built , very useful light but it isn't all that impressive. dont get me wrong,i think that the tk20 is by far the better light(i own one and i know how bad some of those led lenser lights are) but the led lenser most likely uses an cool led tint rather then the neutral tint of the tk20 and driven from 4 aaa's i see no reason why the t7 shouldn't be as bright as the tk20 (at least for a few seconds).to blow him out of the water i would use an 18650 based light like the tk11
have one of those .. tk11 was my 1st led light :)

but like i said. i want to blow him out of the water with commonly found AA/AAA batteries. with smaller sized light. and preferred with 2 or so batteries against his 4. thats why the AA is the ticket.. as they supposedly have 2.5 times the power than AAA.

and somehow i think the warmer tint that is about as bright as his cool white could be good touch.
Problems you are going to face:
P7 runtime on low is 35-70 hours, that can be done with LD20 but not with TK20 or P100A2.
P7 is meant to be used with alkaline, so there goes your LD20 etc. regulation, with lithium or NiMH P7 is overdriven so you cannot compete with its throw.
P7 warranty is too good

What P7 cannot do:
Tailcap lockout
It does not preserve your nightvision, it starts from 130%
Not waterproof, not even water resistant
No NiMH or lithium, just leaking alkaline
With no light at all, try to change the batteries of the P7...:devil:
naah dont get me depressed! hah

full blast is the thing we would compete. (i would like to just dim mine along with his to save batteries.. heheh)

about lower modes well i could get a ra clicky and put on locator beam and tell him to see if it still blinks after few years.. like it should (see powernoodles test going on at marketplace)

or set my forthcoming quark on moon mode and see him after a week :)

yeah the battterycarrier was so annoying (i was about to buy a led lenser before i found cpf, i am so happy i didnt get one. and i know that there are so many other options for lights other than them and some might be better too, but i think i need to prove it to him! haha)

as far i know the t7 should go down to 50% in 90min->2 hours, and basically useless and dim in under 3hours. (it might glow long after that but i dont care for glow times.. i have tritium that glows too)

hmm.. need to keep looking for options.
The lenser lights have a pretty good niche in the market right now. Further, the top level LEDs are basically providing the same level of light measured by eye no matter what actual product you look at. You can overdrive the LED and get some extra lumens, but with the Lenser you have the optic to contend with as well. Those lights get excellent throw.

Good luck on the hunt, but the Lenser is a pretty good product when it comes to real life illumination even if it isn't a CPF addicts favorite marvel of engineering.

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