Suggestions for a Bright LED Camping Lantern?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 31, 2009
Since the Coleman 4xCree lantern wont be available to me until late May/early June,.. can someone suggest an alternate that will give similar relsults ?

Basically it'll be used for Camping / Power outages and can either be rechargeable or use batteries - The most important factor would be over all brightness and illumination I guess :)

Thanks in advance!

(Sorry, time to research this on my own :( )
Man it's going to be an awful dark camping trip ....

Sorry nobody has responded.

Maybe it's about time some of us independant entrepreneurs start building and selling lanterns. ..And trust me..our quality would be good, and they'd be bright as hell :)
Check out Lowes,for the ROV sportsman led not that big,and bright,3 mode low-high-flash.It has a defused lens that cuts down on the glare.I have one and like it.
There are multiple threads in this sub-forum with opinions on what people do/do not like about the lanterns they own. Take a quick look, and I think you will find your efforts will pay off. :)

I would recommend the Rayovac Sportsman Extreme and/or the Coleman Twin. There is plenty of information in the threads about them right here.