Suggestions for dog collar safety light


Jul 25, 2006
My GF and I just got a German Shepherd puppy. He's going to need a good flashing light for his collar. AA, 123, or 18650 sizes preferred. Any suggestions?
I would suggest a very reflective collar but no light on it. I would think the dog would be disturbed by having to wear a red flashing light for any length of time. It would drive me crazy. I'd suggest a very reflective collar and a good leash.
You can buy glowing dog collars and leashes at most pet supply's. I got one for a shepherd dog 10 years ago - used button size batteries.

Ask them what's avail.

I use the above on both my dogs. I love these things:



They have constant on and flashing mode. I find the clip itself to be very durable, it has never accidentally come off, and my dogs get into all kinds of muck and water -- no problems. Haven't even had to change the battery in either yet.
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when i camp with my dog, i either, hang a photon light on his collar(if there is no lakes or river nearby) , or tie a glowstick, or 2

my friend had waterproof lighted colar, but after few min in the water it started blinking and than died.
I use a faux-ton from KD or similiar. I attach and remove it using the smallest Nite Ize S-Biner found here

The specific light I have actually alternates between a variety of colors, red, green, blue, then flashes and shows a cool color display. In fact I'd love to get another but can't remember where I got it. Anyone help me there?

My dog doesn't mind it at all. He could care less that it's there. At night it definately draws my attention and helps me keep tabs on him (even though hes on the leash).

I use the above on both my dogs. I love these things:

They have constant on and flashing mode. I find the clip itself to be very durable, it has never accidentally come off, and my dogs get into all kinds of muck and water -- no problems. Haven't even had to change the battery in either yet.

I use these too. They are very bright, don't bother the rotties and are fairly easy on the batteries.

I use the above on both my dogs. I love these things:

They have constant on and flashing mode. I find the clip itself to be very durable, it has never accidentally come off, and my dogs get into all kinds of muck and water -- no problems. Haven't even had to change the battery in either yet.

I have the same thing for our dog. Works great. People comment all the time about how visible she is with the light on. Get some 2032 cells and use them instead of 2016 cells that it came with. More convenient and should have greater runtime.

Glotoob Glowtoob FX or Glowtoob lithium

they are fairly large, but good solid glowing/flashing/strobing marker lights, that are pretty waterproof (some waterproof to a huge depth)
they are pretty easy to clip to a collar too

my parents dog gets to wear mine every time i take her for a walk.
I have been using one of these on my black lab for around 2 years, running it around 20-30 mins per night, every night:

I emits light in all directions, and uses 2 2032 cells (instead of 1 2032 or 2 2016s) for better runtime. It goes a looong time between cell changes.

The little lantern looks cool on his collar. Because there is solid plastic on top, the light cannot shine upwards into his eyes. These are available at Targets for around $5 or less. I have gotten tons of comments from neighbors, etc, that spot us walking at night, each with our own flashlight!

I've yet to see a dog that was bothered one way or the other about light. They don't seem to mind if it's there or not, so I don't think it would be a problem you need to worry about from the dog's point of view.

The Glo-Toob is one good solution, and there are other small blinking lights that might do.

CPFer twosouls2gether made a light himself for his father-in-law's dog - the thread is a good read and his light seems to have been a success!
I use a faux-ton from KD or similiar. I attach and remove it using the smallest Nite Ize S-Biner found here

The specific light I have actually alternates between a variety of colors, red, green, blue, then flashes and shows a cool color display. In fact I'd love to get another but can't remember where I got it. Anyone help me there?

My dog doesn't mind it at all. He could care less that it's there. At night it definately draws my attention and helps me keep tabs on him (even though hes on the leash).

Could you give some more details on this?

I really like the Glo-Toob. At $50 for the one that takes rechargable batteries it's a bit pricey. But reliability and performance are far more important than price for this usage.

My previous Shepherd used to run around with all sorts of lights on him. Never seemed to bother him.
My 500 lumen lights that I walk with don't bother my dog either. Just mentioning it as it maybe of concern to some owners.

By my calculations, that little lantern I linked above has been running for around 200 hours since I got it. Not bad! It's my longest in service light by usage by far.
I've tried li-ion 2032s in the past, and was totally dissatisfied with them and the charger; neither worked well, and even when they did, the capacity was tiny. Primary cells last so long and are so cheap I ditched rechargeable ones.
For walking my dog at night, I use a pair of flashers from dealextreme. sku16895
They have a belt clip, which clips nicely to the collar. Run forever on 2 x AAA. flashy mode makes it really easy to spot the dog from a very long distance. I use 2 of them so I can have one in front, and one on the back of her neck, for 360 degree visibility.
Downside, not exactly water proof, just rain resistant.
and my dog like em. when i grab them, dog gets all excited, cause she knows were going for a long night walk cause daddy is gonna play with his lights :twothumbs
I have a couple guardians too, and like the fact that they use 2 x 2032s instead of 2016s. If I didn't use the mini-lantern, the guardian would be my next choice.
Could you give some more details on this?

I really like the Glo-Toob. At $50 for the one that takes rechargable batteries it's a bit pricey. But reliability and performance are far more important than price for this usage.

My previous Shepherd used to run around with all sorts of lights on him. Never seemed to bother him.

the glotoobs are a bit pricey, but they are an aluminium battery tube, covered in resin.
they are really tough
i have the FX model- i have had it about 3 years, and its on its second battery, but i dont use it all that much, but it does ride on the outside of my EDC bag, and is still in good shape