Summer camp 1xAA LED


Newly Enlightened
Dec 14, 2004
I am looking to buy a set of cheapish LED flashlights for my friends' children to use at summer camp. I am wondering if the Ultrafire C3 (Cree) would be an appropriate choice, as it is touted to run on everything from NIMH to LIion?

My expectation is that the kids will be sent off with a large bigbox store multipack of AAs, and that extras will be available from the camp's 'canteen'. At ~$18 each this looks like a reasonable gift with an acceptable cool factor for your average blase 8-11 year old.

Are there any 1xAA or 2xAA lights in the same price range that will offer longer runtimes? I would gladly get a dimmer regulated light for them since I expect that their young eyes don't need nearly the lumens mine do to accomplish an injury free walk in the woods.
I think kids would do well with something like THIS. Its a light that is good enough for most tasks, teaches them responsibility (need to charge it), and teaches them a little about conservation.
I'd agree with that. And add a protractor to measure the angle of the sun (heck, some kids never notice where it is) ....
Hrmm... I gave my daughter a pink Minimag with an SMJLED in it and an older spot-type Inova X1 with a blue LED as something to play with when she went to CYO camp for a week.
Innova X-1. Great runtime, and works with any battery. Does very well with depleted batteries. Rock solid & reliable are good qualities when giving anything to young children, it's amazing how hard young ones are on hardware.

Would getting them the solar powered lights be a jinx and guarantee rain for six days?
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+1 on the Inova X1. Mine is quite bright enough to navigate outdoors even in rain and fog, while not being too bright to read under the covers in bed. With a new alkie, I've turned mine on and left it on, and two DAYS later I still had usable light. ~$20 and available at most Target stores, waterproof, durable. For a week long adventure, four batteries would be quite adequate, even if the light is left on constantly. I've seen reports that show rechargeables shouldn't be used, as runtime SEVERELY drops off; never tried it myself. I keep mine loaded with a lithium. Good luck.

nerdgineer said:
Something like this for kids?

Pretty dang good. Enough for me to see what the heck I'm doing outside. Doesn't have squat for throw. Anything beyond 15 feet is pretty useless unless there's no other light outside. IMO these are about 2x as bright as my Photon Freedom. Both have about the same throw. Other suggestion is just to get the 10 pack of the photon freedom look alike microlights they have on dealextreme. Less than 5$ shipped for 10 of them. Enough for me to see around without stepping in stuff.
nerdgineer said:
Something like this for kids?

Excellent choice, it's enough power for the kids,
Will run NIMH to alkalines, whether they are AA or AAA! FLEXIBILITY! PRICE! *gushes*

Don't expect them to be waterproof or anything... my o-ring is already gone. It's doubtful that non-flashaholic kids will appreciate something like the C3. At best you should get them the MXDL Cree. But the powerlight (linked above) is my suggestion.

MXDL Cree:
Hmm, the powerlight looks like it fits the bill for much less money. This is good! Has anyone here done a runtime test on the critter?

I would like to thank everyone for their input. While the solar and/or rechargeable scenario has a certain appeal, neither will be practical in this situation. Electric appliances are forbidden (no NIMH), and I understand the bunks to be well shaded (solar would be a frustration at best). If only the Molle lights were $10.
Can't go much wrong with Gerber Infinity Ultra. Enormous runtime at around 15 bucks. Don't go for high tech, powerful lights since they kill alkalines very fast. There was an old post I can't find any more about this subject that considered the question very carefully and concluded that the best flashlight for this situation (not EVERY situation, just this one) was the 2AA minimag. Reasons were: 1) fairly cheap while very durable; 2) bright enough for reasonable distance but not so bright that kids can really cause trouble shining them in each others eyes (which they will do); 3) easy availability and familiarity and standard range of colors; this was for equipping groups of kids. It's important in such group situations that every kid's light is exactly the same, so they don't fight over which is "better".
NYLYTE said:
I would like to thank everyone for their input. While the solar and/or rechargeable scenario has a certain appeal, neither will be practical in this situation. Electric appliances are forbidden (no NIMH), and I understand the bunks to be well shaded (solar would be a frustration at best). If only the Molle lights were $10.

Thats why the solar lights have long lanyards. You just wear it around your neck and they charge throughout the day. That said, with an initial full charge, it should never really go dead. I'm sure bedtime is early so they can get up early and enjoy as many hours of daylight as possible. I doubt they'll be using the lights for hours at a time.
I know this goes against the grain of what's usually suggested, but I don't think that anything fancy or expensive would be necessary and if you're buying a number of them it could add up. So my suggestion would be something like this - $3 per light shipped, takes 1AA, runtime is about 6-8 hours+, is pretty durable and reliable, isn't blazing bright but I have a couple of these and really like them for casual use and would be fine for reasonably close range use outside. If the long runtime is unnecessary and you want more brightness, then something like this would work , or the 'Lorsund' for $10(Cree'd Elly light).
mmmflashlights said:
I know this goes against the grain of what's usually suggested, but I don't think that anything fancy or expensive would be necessary and if you're buying a number of them it could add up. So my suggestion would be something like this - $3 per light shipped, takes 1AA, runtime is about 6-8 hours+, is pretty durable and reliable, isn't blazing bright but I have a couple of these and really like them for casual use and would be fine for reasonably close range use outside. If the long runtime is unnecessary and you want more brightness, then something like this would work , or the 'Lorsund' for $10(Cree'd Elly light).

I have one of those 8 LED jobs and love it. Way brighter than the NiteIze MM drop in.