SuperSquatchaMegaBlastiNator 64458 (pic heavy)


Jun 2, 2007
Planet Houston
Maglite 6d red, 5x Emoli, 64458 @ 21v

Daytime shots. Nighttime to follow
Hefty Enough?


Business end

My focus sucks

Discoloring the reflector


Takes a while to cool down

3ft daytime


Kitchen daytime 25ft to countertop


More to come after dark :D

What reflector you using ?? also what brand ,

Can you get a nice small hotspot with that ??
I just have one question....when does the family come back, and end your play time? LOL!

ps) Nice job. Pretty light.
Will Smith could have used that in the movie "I am Legend".
The first time you turned it on, did you giggle? Be honest.
When you go outside tonight, you'll giggle. I did. Everytime I turned on my Mag458. Of course mine was 11D long, running on 17 1/2Ds.
What reflector you using ?? also what brand ,

Can you get a nice small hotspot with that ??

No idea on the brand. I robbed from 8 other lights before I found one with a big enough hole for the bulb. It's got ribs on the outside and a removable cam.
The spot you see is about as tight as it gets. Unless I put on the aspherical lens off another light, with the vertical coil it puts out an amazing hotspot. I have more pics to edit from last nite. I can hold my hand over the lens for about a second before my whole hand feels burnt, with the aspherical lens I put my hand over it and instantly got a 1/4" brown/black spot burnt in the webbing between two fingers.

mr.squatch, please put all the specs here too. 6D, 5 x emoli, the JM mosfet board...tail spring? shortened? jumpered? or NL-type tail spring substitute...?

Everything fits perfectly, no body mods at all. I'm running one of mr Jimmy's mosfet boards, hopefully wired up correctly lol.

I just have one question....when does the family come back, and end your play time? LOL!

ps) Nice job. Pretty light.

That's funny you ask, I live with my friend and his wife (just moved down here), she's gone for the week on a cruise so it's boys week to play. She left a note to 1. feed the animals and scoop the catpoop 2. eat tacos every day if we want and 3. shine eachother with flashlights all we want

The first time you turned it on, did you giggle? Be honest.
When you go outside tonight, you'll giggle. I did. Everytime I turned on my Mag458. Of course mine was 11D long, running on 17 1/2Ds.

Oh yes, I had some battery issues (gotta figure out which order it likes em in), so it was laying on the bench when it fired off the first time. It lit up a plastic folder and paper in about a second. oops. But I was giggling like a school girl as I was stomping out the fire.

Everything fits perfectly, no body mods at all. I'm running one of mr Jimmy's mosfet boards, hopefully wired up correctly lol.
If it works, you got it right.

Burned the webbing in your fingers. Nice. You NEED to have some night time beam shots with and without the aspherical lens. That thing must be CRAZY!
ROFL @ the name of this thing - and wow! it's bright. Running off 5x cheeseburgers too. What run-time do you get?

I love that pic where it looks as tall as the house. Great-looking light.

That sounds like a FM reflector, BTW
A red FM3V-2 Turbo head by FiveMega would look superb on this. I have one on a Mag623, and the beam is hugely improved. Should fit a 64458 bulb OK?

I'm hoping FM is going to make a 4-inch version of that head one day, then maybe a 5 and 6-inch... lol, where does it all end?!
Put that aspherical lens on it and set something on fire from a foot away. Then post it here. It's like Flashaholic porn!
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what is the use of Jimmy's mosfet in such a light?..can anyone tell me(excuse my noobness:S)...and what kind of runtime did you get on those batts??..
Also curious about run time...

I have a 6-d mag that I was going to leave alone; however the ability to cook a frozen burrito in the middle of nowhere certainly has it's uses...

Do you have a switch lock-out so you don't accidentally burn the house down if the cat knocks it over?

Vader: "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."

Me: "Screw you pal! That's freeking cool!":twothumbs
I like it. A Lot. I also like SuperSquatchaMegaBlastiNator. Doesnt roll off the tongue as easy as Death Star but it's cooler.

Lol, well I've run it 30 seconds at a time for probably 5 minutes runtime and it's down to 18.5v so I'm guessing runtime is relative to how many tens of thousands of lumens you count as running :devil: It's noticeably less sun-like now, but still caught a book of matches on fire during dinner prep from 6" away. Looks like it won't get night shots tonite, I'll charge it tomorrow (one cell at a time :( ) and get some after that back at 20-21v. I got a few last nite, I'll try to find a good one to post up. It was very foggy out so the moisture in the air was hard enough to see, then turning on the light which created steam was worse :naughty:

Park googlemapped 100 ft across to the edge of the grass by the white manhole covers, the white wall on the other side is 500ft away.


Inside the house in the dark. Far wall is 45ft


Same shot with aspheric lens


Aspheric lens at 8ft


I'll try to get some new shots tomorrow nite if the charger and weather cooperate. :D
