Yes, any P60 style LED drop-ins should fit but just be aware that sometimes its not a
perfect fit. I have a Dereelight 3SM 5A/B p60 drop in my C2 and theres a ~0.5mm gap between the bezel and body because the bezel cannot screw down entirely. Its not a big deal and water resistance is not compromised to any significant degree, but some people can be really picky and get upset by this. The DX P60 MC-E dropin also has the "~0.5mm issue" on my C2. I've dunked both in a hot tub for over 30mins and upon inspection, the internals were still bone dry.
Cool tint LEDS may appear brighter inside the house, they actually offer poorer colour rendition outdoors, especially in heavy scrub/vegetation and in wet/foggy conditions.
Dereelight's warm 5A/B tint Q4 drop-ins mostly resolves this colour rendition issue outdoors, but you would have that notorious "~0.5mm issue" and slightly reduced output of about 170lumens as compared to a cool tint Q5 or R2 which puts out 200+lumens.
Personally I reckon the reduced output of the 5A/B is not really obvious to my eyes, but the suberb 5000Kish warm tint outperforms the 6000K cool tint everytime!
LEDS also are more much power efficient that incands, this could really be an costly $$ issue if you only used primary Lithium batteries, however this would not really be an issue if you use Litium-Ion rechargeable batteries.
Most CPFers usually run a rechargeable incand setup such a 7.4v-9.0v P90 lamp with 2x16340 Li-Ons/IMRs or a 3.7v-4.2v with 1x17670/18650 Li-On/IMR and have a LED drop-in that can run multiple voltages as an alternative.
There's tons of information available before you make your purchase decisions.
I have a Sure Fire 6Z that needs a lamp replacement. The original lamp was an incandescent. While shopping for a new lamp it appears to me that the lamp could be replaced with an LED. Is that correct?
If so, what are the pros and cons for a LED replacement in this light?