Surefire D3 (9P) lens mat'l?

Very early D3's were not Pyrex - but if yours is Lexan, and it melts - call SureFire and I'm sure they will send you a replacement Pyrex version.
I have had repeated problems with the lexan windows becoming mottled in my 6Z with the standard P60 bulb. Surefire used to faithfully replace them. They finally got tired of doing that, I guess - they sent me a bezel with a pyrex window. I don't like the hex but it's nice not to be replacing the lexan all the time.
Very early D3's were not Pyrex - but if yours is Lexan, and it melts - call SureFire and I'm sure they will send you a replacement Pyrex version.

They sent me a lens kit when I told them the lens melted.

Next time I had a pair of defective P91s, they replaced that. When they asked me what else can I do, I said my bezel is a little dented, how much for a new one? They just sent me one
I've melted the lens on my Z3 at least 3 or 4 times. Surefire keeps sending me the lenses and installation is easy so it's not a huge issue.

That's why I went to a Pyrex M2 bezel on the Z3. Love the scratch- and melt-resistance.
That's why I went to a Pyrex M2 bezel on the Z3. Love the scratch- and melt-resistance.

I bought a bezel w/ a pyrex lens, but ended up putting it on my 3 cell McLux body w/ an E2C adaptor & a P90 LA. I normally don't run my Z3 for long periods with the P91, but occasionally it has come on my pocket & it invariably melts the lens when that happens. :eek:
Thanks guys. I have a Cree drop-in coming for my D3 and Want to be sure it's safe. I realized from the start that it could withstand the P91 but I just wanted to be sure it would work OK with the LED. It's not an older model so it should be Pyrex rather than Lexan.
I got UCL for my G2 since the original lens was plastic. :shrug:
Look at the front. If there is a screw-in ring with notches for a spanner (to unthread the ring), it's pyrex. If not, it's lexan.

Thanks guys. I have a Cree drop-in coming for my D3 and Want to be sure it's safe. I realized from the start that it could withstand the P91 but I just wanted to be sure it would work OK with the LED. It's not an older model so it should be Pyrex rather than Lexan.
I got UCL for my G2 since the original lens was plastic. :shrug: