SureFire Digital Lights (edited)

Mr Ted Bear

Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Spoke to SF customer service looking for the elusive MN02 Bulb..... still no release date.. More significant, is that SF has dropped plans to introduce the M2D/C2D Lights

[edited at 5:20pm]
Sorry to alarm everyone, this is exactly what I was told by customer service. In speaking with Paul Kim, the information I was given is very false
Ya know just my take, but why would Surefire introduce an official 2002 catalog with a whole array of new products, many of which are never going to make it to market? We know about the doubtfulness of the Li-ion batteries, now the digital series and possibly something I missed. I can understand putting products in the cetalog that are still under development but confident will be released in the upcoming 2002 year but why bust our you know what with a bunch of fantasy products that may or may not ever make it to market?

Just my opinion and I'm probably over reacting.
The computer industry has taught the rest of the world to sell vaporware.

Disclose new product ideas as exciting and soon-to-be-available products to delay people from buying existing competitive alternatives.
If M2D is dropped, I will be VERY, VERY, !!!PISSED!!!

What is the exact source of this info?

The source of the info was SureFire Customer Service (800) 828-8809.... the information is INCORRECT.

Just spoke to PK and he told me, they are pushing very hard to finish the KL1 "very soon", the revised A2, which will then be followed by C2/M2.
A nice exciting new catalog with a whole array of ground-breaking new product lines is sometimes used to boost stock value/shareholder confidence. Not saying that had anything to do with anything but a bunch of new products announced in the last quarter makes for some unrealistic speculation for the next year.
Phew, you scared me. Well, at least i would have no excuse not to get an m2.
I would have gone round to SureFire to sort them out!

Most likely, the lady at the front desk is an ex-SEAL or something

On second thoughts, picking a fight with SureFire isn't the best way to get something sorted, me things...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cv3p0:
... to boost stock value/shareholder confidence. ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

SF is privately owned.
