SureFire help: Z32 bezel on 6Z


Jul 10, 2001
Bay Area - California
If any of you followed the previous thread on "Defect or Durability Problem"--you'll know that I purchased a Z32 Shock Isolated Bezel for my SureFire 6Z last week after breaking one P60 lamp in a drop.

Well, the Z32 arrived, and I've now replaced the standard bezel on two different 6Z's I own, and neither of them function properly after the swap-out.

Do I need a different tail-cap switch assembly? The tail-cap is what no longer "feels" the same after putting on a Z32?. The Z32 "instructions" indicate only the need for replacing the std. bezel with the Z32-unit.

Any/all help, suggestions, input appreciated.

Hmmm. Not heard that one before.

Please can you give some details about what isn't working or feeling right. Is the TailCap very difficult to press?

My hunch is without a LockOut TailCap (I assume you didn't upgrade your 6Z with a Z41 LOTC?) the pressure of the Shock Absorbing System is messing with your TailCap by forcing the lamp contacts and therefore the batteries too far down the body...

However, I have tried using the M2 Bezel on the G2 (it works fine) and with a P90 & Z20 and the original TailCap in the 12PM. (It also works fine).

So unless there is something I am missing here and others can help you out, I can only suggest you call SureFire and let us know what you find out.



Thanks for the valuable insight.

I tried again this morning replacing the 6Z's standard bezelwith a Z32 bezel. Same problem... Arrgghh...

Orig. bezel works fine, Z32 no go. You can twist the end cap to constant-on position (full clockwise), and still no light. Tried intermittent positions of the end cap until its almost fallen off--still no light. Looks like I'll have to call SureFire.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Al (Size15s) wrote:
My hunch is without a LockOut TailCap (I assume you didn't upgrade your 6Z with a Z41 LOTC?) the pressure of the Shock Absorbing System is messing with your TailCap by forcing the lamp contacts and therefore the batteries too far down the body...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm hoping you're right, Al. I mean, a flashlight is not a space shuttle, right? So, it must be something do to with the Z32 combined with a standard, non-upgraded 6Z tailcap, that messes with the circuit continuity.

Will keep you guys advised of what SureFire says...
Sounds like a problem where you gotta contact SF Customer Services.

Just one thing to check - the Z32 has a foam band as part of the Shock Isolation System, I believe. Is it seated flat against the bezel, and moving back and forward smoothly when you push on the collar that the LA fits into ?

Update: Spoke with Stewart at SureFire Tech Support today, and he could offer no explanation for the non-functioning of the Z32 with my older model 6Z.

Oddly enough, I have a third 6Z at my office, and the Z32 bezel seems to work okay on it without a problem. Strange. If you bump this unit with the Z32 bezel on, the light turns off (even with tailcap screwed to constant-on). A rearward bump seems to restore the light.

I will be trying the Z32 on a 9P I am getting, and will let you know how it works.

I've sold 30 or 40 6Ps, 9Ps, 6Zs, 9zs, Z2s and Z3s upgraded with Z32 bezels with no problems. I think you got a bum one somehow. The only combo that didn't work was with the old 3P (as reported earlier). I was going to put the Z32 and a lanyard on the 3P and make the cutest little CombatLight.

Good luck!

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