Surefire L1 Cree and Classic L2: is a bezel swap safe?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 16, 2009
Would a Surefire L1 Cree and Classic L2 bezel swap be safe?

I have looked around, but have been unable to find out if this is something safe to do. I've lurked this forum for a while to get information before flashlight purchases, and just to generally geek out.

However, I haven't found anybody commenting directly on the safety of swapping the bezels of an L1 cree and an L2 classic (luxeon, throwy). My L1 cree is delightful, and I have, on occasion, put the L1 Cree bezel on the L2, but only for moments at a time, because I'm scared it will be overdriven and hurt the LED. I am pretty sure that both bezels are unprotected/direct drive, though I'm not sure what the differences in drive are like. They both have their important electronics somewhere in the body or tailcap, don't they?

Here is the important question: Is it safe to put the L1 Cree bezel onto the L2 classic body and run it? Will that damage or destroy the L1's LED?

I'm not too versed on the voltages/currents that are safe for either of the LED's in those bezels. I am assuming they have different safe voltages and currents, and may be incompatible, though I hope not, for the frankenstein's superlight that could result. Could some expert and knowledgeable CPFer answer my Ultimate Question?

I'm afraid of the answer, because I want to keep that monstrous output and two stagedness!
I expect that if you put your L1 head on the 2-cell L2 body, the boost circuit in the L2 body will deliver 6+ volts to the head, ruining the LED quickly.

If you put the L2 head on the L1 body, the boost circuit in the L1 body PROBABLY won't be able to provide the voltage required to light up the Luxeon-V in the L2 head.
Many thanks! Question: ANSWERED.

Also, DRAT! For confirming my fears. No L1/L2 lego for me. :mecry:

Also, I should say that I meant to say the Luxeon L2 classic was floody, but everyone knows that. Too floody, if you ask me, though indoors it's beautiful. (large dark wharehouses are suddenly not dark at all).

Back in the drawer you go, L2!