Surefire Light

Short and Round

Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2008
I am wanting to buy a New Surefire light. Is is safe to purchase them "New In Package" on Ebay for less, or would I be better off purchasing one from a authorized dealer and pay more? If you have a experience with Ebay and a Surefire light, please chime in!:popcorn:
Personal Opinion - Stay away from E-Bay and buy from either a dealer that hangs out /advertises on CPF, a brick and mortar store (if one is in your area), or see if you can get what you want from the Marketplace. I've bought and sold many a light on the Marketplace and it is a much better place than E-Bay has become.
Agreed - I personally would not buy from eBay, although I know some people do.

Some of mine were bought from dealers here, but most were bought used in the MP. Bear in mind that most CPFers look after their lights extremely well, and you'd find it difficult to tell used from new in most cases.
I buy lights and parts on ebay all the time, works just fine. Just remember to always pay with Paypal.

If it looks too good to be true it probably is... or the seller has no idea what they have. I bought a NIB U2 for $115 last year. :)
Ebay is a great source for many things, you need to be very carefull. There is always someone looking to scam you out of your money. Look for sellers with feedback close to 100% and high transaction numbers. Read the feedback.

The Market place is best place to get great lights, I buy most of my stuff there.
I think the main moral of the story is that ebay is a great shopping tool but you just have to read everything carefully and use paypal. If everything isnt copasetic (sp) you allways have the option to send it back for a refund especially if something isnt what was advetised!
The only Surefire from Ebay I ever purchased took 4 months to get. It was from an Ebay dealer too. I filed a complain with paypal and eventually 4 months later without a shipping invoice it just showed up at my house.

I rather pay more than go through that experience again.

I also purchased 2 no name lights from ebay too. I light took 2 months from overseas shipping ect....The other one was junk and the vender only wanted to exchange per their policy. I just ate the cost..

The funny thing is when I purchase non-flashlight items from people they arive fast and I am a happy camper, but with ebay dealers I have had many issues.
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I buy (and sell) almost ALL my lights from the B/S/T here. There's tons of people here that will try out a light for a little while, and put it right back up for sale, i've gotten tons of great deals, and they've all been hardly used. Especially with a SF, it takes a lot to damage HAIII, and the light itself comes with a lifetime warranty.
Most of my second hand lights are purchased from BST and Marketplace. I may be in the odd bunch to say that I have no problems with buying from eBay. :shrug:

I follow a few rules though:
* The seller must be locate domestically
* The seller must be an eBay member for at least a year
* The seller must have a near perfect feedback score

If you purchase enough from eBay, you may eventually end up with a counterfeit, but your overall savings will still be higher than if you had purchased all your SF at full MSRP from authorized dealers. It's a question of whether you are able and willing to deal with the frustration when someone sells you a fake.

Don't forget, even if you buy your SF lights from CPFMarketplace, for all you know, the seller could have purchased it from eBay originally.
I've bought two SureFires from eBay, 6P and G2L, both NIB. Both were fine. I probably wouldn't buy a more expensive SF from eBay. I bought my C2 from OpticsHQ.
Purchasing from the bay is no problem with me. I have purchased a 6P for under 40 bucks and a A2 for 86 bucks. Both were "new in the package".
Personally, I prefer to buy from CPFMP over eBay. With that being said, I did purchase my A2-RD and M6 on eBay, "new in box," and everything was pretty much fine.

I am wanting to buy a New Surefire light. Is is safe to purchase them "New In Package" on Ebay for less, or would I be better off purchasing one from a authorized dealer and pay more? If you have a experience with Ebay and a Surefire light, please chime in!:popcorn:
I buy from eBay all the time and I've never had a problem. Buy from reliable vendors with good reputation and you'll be alright.

Look for a seller called "outletamerica", he's a great guy who run a store in Massachusetts. :thumbsup:
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My first (and only...) experience on ebay was trouble-free. Got a NIB SF C2 BK for $66.00 shipped.