Surefire M6 Head any LED available?


Jan 13, 2010
I am using a M6 head on a Leef 3 X 18650 C size body. The bulb is a Lumens Factory 1000 Lumen type & AW IMR - 1600 -18650 cells. Lots of output and a nice unit although very long in length. Anyone making a complete LED head with driver module - lens - bezel - ready to swap that would be even brighter than what I am running? Lumens Factory used to offer a M head with a P7 but I no longer see on their web site? Discontinued? Any other brand available out there?
The Seraph P7 is temporarily soldout, no word as to when it'll be back yet.

Not brighter...but heaps more runtime...

KL6, there's a couple on sale on CPF marketplace.

You would probably need a SST-90 running at 22volts or something to get any single LED light to outshine the IMR-M6 lamp!

The Jetbeam M2S looks like a good alternative to the Seraph P7.

You could try multiple LEDs in a KT4 from milkyspit.
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Lumens factory said that the P7 turbo head should be back in stock sometime this month. (via a recent email i received from them)