Surefire Sale?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2000
San Gabriel Valley
I'm still gettng Email sale messages from Botach, (even tho I quit their list 2 months ago), advising sale price of E1 @ $36 & E2 @ $46.-et al.
-any adventurous souls out there??

How many horror stories have we read here about disgruntled Botach customers?

Several times I have had a big order in my shopping cart from a couple different sources and have agonized for hours over whether or not to save myself a ton of money and order from Botach. And every time I have given my business to someone else (Bright Guy) and every time I have been extremely pleased with the fast, courteous service and have been so happy that I did not push that confirm button on Botachs page.

I look forward to reading more horror stories in this new thread!!!!
See this thread for a price comparison on the E1/GM and E2/GM among several Internet retailers.

Botach is $6 cheaper than AGR for the E1/GM, and only $3 cheaper than AGR for the E2/GM (provided AGR's sale is still on). Is such a small potential savings worth the headache?

Note that if you experience a problem with Botach, you'll end up overpaying by the amount of Botach's "sale" prices -- you'll have to order another one from someone else!


I'll happily pay more and buy from a source I can trust rather then risk it for a matter of dollars. I get stung by Her Majesty's Customs anyway and still end up saving compared to buying from within the UK so my money is going to Tim Flanagan.

I am passionate about customer service.

I work as part of the John Lewis Partnership. We pride ourselves on having the best customer service and honest pricing.
Infact, John Lewis is never knowingly undersold.

Waitrose has just been voted the best food retailer in London. We have the best quality and the widest range.

We don't stock SureFires but then Harrods doesn't either as far as I know!

My father always told me that "a man is only as good as his words, and his words are only as good as his reputation, and a reputation defines the honor of a man". No, my pop wasn't a philosopher, just a sailor. But I think the point is made. Botach is not going shake off a bad reputation that easily with a $3 savings, probably not even a $10 savings. At least for me.
You figure Harrod's should at least stock SureFire's E and E2. I would imagine that it would nicely complement a 3 button Brook Brothers, or a properly pressed J. Abboud french cuff.
I guess I have my answer on my question about buying the Surefire E-2 from you know who

Thanks Folks for stopping me in my moment of Dumbness, but glad I was smart enough to ask
I am always tempted to order from Botach but I keep hearing that they burn people. I hear this from other forums too. Botach keeps screwing up orders.