Surefire tailcap disassembly?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 17, 2009
I want to clean the inside of my surefire E1 tailcap but cant seem to figure out how to remove the guts.I want to get some instructions before I go screwing something up.Thanks
dunno about E1 tailcaps. But the stock 6p LOTC are easy.

you need needle nose pliers

Pull the spring out

then pull the metal ring out carefully. it is held with a metal pin. that pin is set into the plastic button inside the tail cap.

once that is removed use a dime or nickel and unscrew the plastic washer. everything should fall out now.
for the twistie try some needle nose pliers, a 3/32 hex key and some paitience remove the spring (just yank it off) and then unscrew the hex screw, that part should fall off and use the pliers to remove the retaining ring that you find inside, then everything should fall out (rubber boot and metal piece), if you have the clickie tailcap take the pliers to the back part of the tailcap, span the gap and unscrew the black retaining ring the rubber boot and clickie internals should fall out
unscrew the retainer on the outside of the tailcap. It should have two indentations. use needle pliers to unscrew this and the guts fall out the back. Don't pull on the spring.

watch this video.
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Oh ok thanks I see what ya'll mean now with the grooves below the rubber,is there a "key' or something made for this purpose besides using needle nose.
I'm sure there is a key and I'm sure that the only ones who have it are the SureFire guys. You could make your own or just use needle nose. If you go easy you shouldn't have a problem. It is possible that the ring is potted (glued with thread locking epoxy). That would require applying heat to the tailcap. Most guys put the part in a bag and immerse it into boiling water for a couple minutes. I like to place the part on the stove top over medium low heat for a minute and try to unscrew *repeat*.
Snap ring pliers will work great if your retaining ring is not glued in place. If it is, you will break the pins on you snap ring pliers. Don't ask how I know this :ohgeez:
What is snap pliers,I have 3 EL1's and 2 EL2's I wanna open and clean well so I want something that won't beat up the tailcap.I really dont wanna scratch up my Surefire's.If I was using them and drop it on concrete oh well but I don't wanna do any damage if I can help it.
Hey, Carbine15 read my post before you go correcting me wouldja. for the clickie i mentioned NOTHING about taking the spring off, for the twistie tailcap you HAVE to take the spring off to remove the rest of the internals!

Kids these days,
Hey, Carbine15 read my post before you go correcting me wouldja...

You're right! You did specify that the disassembly instructions you were about to detail were for a tailcap totally different from the OP's question. Now either you didn't realize that the E series tailcap is put together in a completely different way or you were intentionally misleading the OP into yanking the spring out the back of the tailcap. (or you didn't read the OPs post) Either way, I say NO... don't do that!.

YOufoundnemo, I reaspect you a great deal and I mean no harm by my harsh statement here, just feel that it needs to be said.

Happy Monday.

What is snap pliers,I have 3 EL1's and 2 EL2's I wanna open and clean well so I want something that won't beat up the tailcap.I really dont wanna scratch up my Surefire's.If I was using them and drop it on concrete oh well but I don't wanna do any damage if I can help it.

Here's a pic of some snap ring/lock ring pliers I recently got at Northern Tool. You squeeze them to open the jaws.


I want to clean the inside of my surefire E1 tailcap but cant seem to figure out how to remove the guts.I want to get some instructions before I go screwing something up.Thanks

for the twistie [...], if you have the clickie tailcap [...]

You did specify that the disassembly instructions you were about to detail were for a tailcap totally different from the OP's question. Now either you didn't realize that the E series tailcap is put together in a completely different way or you were intentionally misleading the OP into yanking the spring out the back of the tailcap. (or you didn't read the OPs post) Either way, I say NO... don't do that!.
The thing is that it isn't clear from the original post if the OP had a clickie or a twistie. Although the newer E1's are clickie's, I just purchased an older E1 that used a twistie, so it isn't clear.
My 1.5 cents,
The thing is that it isn't clear from the original post if the OP had a clickie or a twistie. Although the newer E1's are clickie's, I just purchased an older E1 that used a twistie, so it isn't clear.
My 1.5 cents,
Wow, you're right. I didn't even think that he would have an older twisty version. There are three types of tailcaps for the e-series right?

Oldest twisty non-lockout tailcap.
Old twisty lockout tailcap
New clicky lockout tailcap.

Both of the twisty types I have no experience with and didn't even know they existed 'till this thread sparked my interest in surefire tailcap lore of the ages.
This is a picture of the non LOTC twisty e series tailcap.

clearly my method wouldn't work here.