Survival/storage Capsule?

Boy SureFire

Apr 8, 2008
I'm buying Survival Capsule, but wanted to know what others bought, and what type of stuff you keep.

I'm having D-cell maglite cut down and threaded which should hold mucho EDC gear: CR123's, cotton balls, jet lighter, extra lamps, 550 cord, small flashlight, 35mm film, memory cards, sewing kit, gas, water, bio hazard material, ammo, candy, money, tinder, dog food, dog treat, Tad Gear Life Capsule, ect....

Some helpful info to include:
size of capsule.
what stuff you store in it.
where you keep the capsule.
do you EDC it, or is it a glove box, bug out bag, or kit item.
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I use a Maratac range bag as my Bail-out bag base kit. Since its covered in Molle Straps gear is easy to clip or hook to it, I have smaller bags for EDC or different jobs that i can add to quickly and take them all

My bail-out bag has a larger supply of batts/MRE'S/clothes than the smaller bags they only have maybe 1-2 days of backup between them,5-7 days of good living all together. Between the bags I have 2 First aid kits, 1 IFAK and 1 CLS with extras added to last longer

A good hint is to write/print a few lists of the contents and put dates of when you added stuff, so you can keep an eye when things start to expire. Like Batteries so you can use the old ones and replace with fresh ones. don't forget the food/water and first aid kit stuff the eventually expire too
HHmmmmm that sounds like a nutnfancy kind of set up. I like to keep it all on my belt w/the other flashlights and knives (Warning people tend think you are police/security/military after the fourth holster, and will get paranoid if you appear to be watching them:crackup:).
time for summer to winter BOB refit. Pockets hold EDC AAA Peak Eiger LED and EDC spyderco tenacious- nice blade for the price. Vehicle bag much more substantial- homemade mini stove, UCO candles, wetfire tinder, Adventure medical heatsheets, first aid, ferro rods, NATO lifeboat matches, larger fixed blades, and emergency rations. Pair of wool socks to double as spare socks, gloves....getting colder here by the day.
Don't forget some extra cans of vienna sausages!:D

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metal pipes with threads caps are nice, put some teflon on those threads, seal it up on both ends and with a few bags of silica desiccant you now have a place to put birth certificates, deeds, etc.

Just label it so that ppl don't think its a pipebomb
Let us leave the pipe bombs for another post please(You're right about it though:shakehead).
Let us leave the pipe bombs for another post please(You're right about it though:shakehead).

I came up with the idea when I was drafting and cardboard tubing sucks when the drafting lab to the car is about a mile to walk and its pouring outside.

I marked it with smily stickers to prevent anyone from thinking its otherwise:D
8" Sched 40 PVC with threaded end cap on one end and solid glued end cap on the other. Makes a great "vault" and can be had in 10' lengths and there is even CLEAR PVC so you can see that your stuff is there and in good shape. I use the clear for stuff I need to vusually inspect occasionally without opening and spoiling my dry (use dessicant) environment.
metal pipes with threads caps are nice, put some teflon on those threads, seal it up on both ends and with a few bags of silica desiccant you now have a place to put birth certificates, deeds, etc.

Just label it so that ppl don't think its a pipebomb

Safe deposit box makes more sense ... in a TEOTWAKI where the box doesn't work, the paper won't be any good either ;)
I use a few Countycomm match cases for various purposes:

Of course they are too small for some of the items mentioned. There are also watertight boxes like Pelican and Otter cases available in various sizes. I sometimes use plastic jars (e.g. from coffee or peanut butter) as a poor man's substitute, since they also seal up pretty well, if you don't mind the cylindrical shape.

The titanium capsules are beautiful works of art, and I'd buy a few if I had the $$$, but I'm not sure what functional advantages are being sought by using these tough metal containers. They might survive impacts that would break a plastic container open, but on the other hand they might get dented by the impact so that it would be very hard to open them.

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