Susan Boyle

I have to admit... I was about to move this thread to the proper thread for YouTube type stuff... regardless of your opinion that it deserved it's own thread. But for some reason, I decided to click on the link instead. I am glad that I did. As I rule, I do not click on YouTube links... and when I do, I always validate why I don't click on them. But this one... a true pleasure. Thank you LL... I'll be leaving it right here. And everyone... it's worth watching... most definately... a pleasure... :clap:
Granny's got serious game!!!!!

I got to thinking, that was kinda like the first time I heard Jim Nabors sing. Crack the cap on a beer bottle and out comes champagne.
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Wowwwwwwwwwwzers !!!! That was amazing :party:. I don't know the song, but I felt like I was in a broadway musical. Very exceptional !!!
This video is very powerful beyond the performance. I have watched it so many times since the first time. There is something very important to take away from it:

- How many times do we miss out on meeting someone & getting to know them because we are too quick to judge them from their exterior?

- It's always easier to roll your eyes and laugh at someone than it is to step up and take the chance yourself.

Everyone laughed and snickered prior to hearing her voice. But, she knew her strengths and her confidence can be seen in her grin at 1:54 in the video.
Wow, that was one hell of a performance. :huh:
As corny as it sounds, it actually moved me to tears.

Great Video :thumbsup:
I was going to post this last night in the video thread after seeing it on TV, but never got to it.

One of those truly "OMG" moments! I love em'.
Reminds me of when Paul Potts first performed on the show. We all have something to offer and we should never underestimate that in others.
I hate to be a bit skeptical, but when I first saw the video I thought 'lip-synch'. There's something a bit synthetic about the way she's singing..if not acting.

I really, really hope I'm wrong and I'm just not just seeing limits of YouTube compression ratios and audio/video limits. I really need to see a much higher quality of the video to be convinced a joke is not being played on us. Good for her if she really has those kind of natural pipes. Just strange that nobody has heard of her before and my intuition it that there's more to it.

I otherwise don't get the big deal about how she looks -vs- her alleged singing talent. Been more than a few American Idol top 12 contestants that were just as frumpy and yet had amazing vocal talent.
I hate to be a bit skeptical, but when I first saw the video I thought 'lip-synch'. There's something a bit synthetic about the way she's singing..if not acting.

I really, really hope I'm wrong and I'm just not just seeing limits of YouTube compression ratios and audio/video limits. I really need to see a much higher quality of the video to be convinced a joke is not being played on us. Good for her if she really has those kind of natural pipes. Just strange that nobody has heard of her before and my intuition it that there's more to it.

I otherwise don't get the big deal about how she looks -vs- her alleged singing talent. Been more than a few American Idol top 12 contestants that were just as frumpy and yet had amazing vocal talent.
:sigh: ... there's always one in the crowd I guess... :shakehead ... Isn't it just nice to enjoy something for a few minutes in the day? To forget about all of the crap that is going on in the world these days? Just to simply ENJOY something... without trying to look behind the curtain... without trying to look up her skirt... without needing a "much highter quality of the video"? Nowadays... it warms my heart to see so many people all over the internet and in this thread just taking pleasure in something so simple and beautiful. Screw the rest... who cares if it turns out to be "fake"! We all smiled and some even got teary-eyed for just a few minutes these past couple days. THAT is all that matters really.

What's the saying? You're harshing my mellow, dude!
This video is very powerful beyond the performance. I have watched it so many times since the first time. There is something very important to take away from it:

- How many times do we miss out on meeting someone & getting to know them because we are too quick to judge them from their exterior?


Reminds me of that Washington Post experiment and the famous violinist Joshua Bell. Selling out a Boston theater just two nights earlier where tickets averaged $100/ea., he played incognito in a Washington DC subway station on his $3.5M Stradivarius. Passersby hardly even noticed and a few tossed him some change as they went on their way. They never realized they were listening to one of the most accomplished musicians in the world play one of the most intricate pieces even written on one of the most expensive violins ever made. It's a great story. Check it out on Snopes if you haven't read the whole story. It really makes you think what you could be missing out on when you just dismiss people/things because of your initial shallow perceptions.
:sigh: ... there's always one in the crowd I guess... :shakehead ... Isn't it just nice to enjoy something for a few minutes in the day? To forget about all of the crap that is going on in the world these days? Just to simply ENJOY something... without trying to look behind the curtain... without trying to look up her skirt... without needing a "much highter quality of the video"? Nowadays... it warms my heart to see so many people all over the internet and in this thread just taking pleasure in something so simple and beautiful. Screw the rest... who cares if it turns out to be "fake"! We all smiled and some even got teary-eyed for just a few minutes these past couple days. THAT is all that matters really.

What's the saying? You're harshing my mellow, dude!

As I got ready to go to work yesterday a guy came knocking at my door. He was selling a few nature shots he took from Lake Tahoe, as he claimed that he used to do photography as a hobby. He needed a few bucks because he was recently laid off and the economy sucks. Interested, I took a peek at the photos and couldn't help but fall in love with a few of them. (I love nature, and no, I don't drive a 4Runner with a "Keep Tahoe Blue" bumper sticker). He said it was one for $5 and two for $8, so I grabbed two shots and he thanked me for it. Upon inspection each photograph was hand framed in white cardboard and was enclosed in a transparent envelope.

My mom was obviously suspicious about him, but I've been around the block enough to know this guy was legit. As I drove to work the thought kept creeping in my head. He ripped me off. I just gave $8 cold hard cash to some guy I've never met in my life. WTF was I thinking?

But I thought about it. $5 won't get you anywhere nowadays. In fact it can't even buy you a meal at Jack in the Box. And $8? It won't even get you a tank of gas. A few gallons at most. If a guy's going door-to-door selling photographs and he wasn't trying to force-feed it down my throat, he had a far greater air of legitimacy than any salesman I've ever met. My point in all this? I took a risk. I thought the photographs were beautiful and I still do. It gave me a moment of peace when I looked at them, and they still do now.

I know it's OT, but I felt it was along similar lines so I couldn't resist. It doesn't hurt to take a chance once in a while.

Just enjoy the moment.:)

Oh, and yes, the video was BEAUTIFUL, and yes, I cried as well.:mecry:
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Wonderful, touching video, and as Oddjob mentioned, very reminiscent of Paul Potts on the same show. If you like this video and haven't seen the Paul Potts one, check it out on YouTube.

Strangely enough, I don't follow American Idol, but enjoy the YouTube clips of BGT (Britain's Got Talent). Some amazing kids (and others) on BGT.
Is this from a new BGT? or is it from 2008?

It's new from Britains Got Talent 2009. (Take a look at the youtube video date of April 2009)

On another note, I saw this video in the morning on the Today show and later tonight on Inside Edition :twothumbs
Oddjob, that's exactly who I thought of when I heard Susan sing!

I don't keep up with the "Interesting Video" thread enough, but I'd bet we did talk about Paul Potts in the past. Please excuse me for adding this link to numerous songs by Mr. Potts (the ex cellphone salesman), but it's absolutely related and as enjoyable.

Total agreement with the positive/respect one another thoughts posted above. Too much garbage in today's world...It's the ole':

"Stop and smell the roses"

...and since we don't want to take the place of the "Interesting Video" thread - I won't link this, but get on YouTube & search for "Antonio Banderas Phantom of the Opera". I enjoy soooo many different types of music, but never really "listened" to this type...kind of grows on one in this nutty, racy, hectic, stress filled world!!



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