switching issues


Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2009
Hi i have just started a build using 3 x Luxion Star3 LED's and 2 2009 micropuk drivers wiring in Parallel, Buck/Boost, I want to be able to switch 1 or all 3 on using a toggle switch but cant work out how to do it.......Is it possible?:confused: Or do i need to use 2 seperate toggle swithches. The switch i have is DPDT on.of.on
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It's not a ton of details to start with, but hopefully some of this will be useful...
Assuming your switch is a DPDT (6 or 7 "legs"), you can direct the incoming power to one or the other "circuit". The trick here is to "stack" the circuits.

I'm assuming a standard DPDT (if it's a single pole you can still make it work but it'll take a diode). Connect your incoming power (+) to both of the "center" legs (of 3 on each side). When you flip the switch one way, it energizes a pair of the open legs at one end, flip the other way, the other pair is energized.

You didn't specify how many MicroPucks you have, I'll assume one per LED for now. Wiring in one is easy, obviously connect it to one "side" of the switch and you are done. The trick is getting the other 2 powered at the same time when you flip the switch the other way.

Wire one Micropuck to both legs on one end (you only need one connectiong, but doesn't hurt to occupy them both). Flip the switch that way and the Micropuck is "on" activating the LED.

On the other side, connect the same micropuck to ONE leg, and connect the other 2 micropucks (in parallel) to the 2nd leg. Now when you flip that side, both sets (the single and double) will be powered up in parallel (3 total on).

Hope that helps!
Hi Thanks for reply,
I am running 2 micropuks in buck boost and 3 LED,s in parallel,will that make any difference?. I will try out what you said and let you know.