cambel...I know what you mean about the "feel" issue. I've only owned one Pentagonlight, which was the L2, and it was built like a TANK! There is definitely a difference in the "feel" of the two brands. Having said that, I gotta say that I own an ET P20C2 MKII, and I absolutely LOVE it! It's not a throw-monster by any means, but it has what I consider to be one of the most "useful" beams I've ever seen in a light, and the throw is actually adequate for most tasks. As far as the delay while temporarily activating the light is concerned, it's actually a little LONGER of a delay while in general mode than it is in high mode. To me, it's VERY noticeable in general mode, but HARDLY noticeable in high mode. I front pocket-carry mine at work daily, and have never had in issue with the clip...and I do a LOT of climbing, squatting, bending and lifting. The clip has never bent, and it's never failed to hold the light securely where it's supposed to be. Also, I've yet to have an issue with the bezel ring coming loose, or any other component for that matter. Granted, I don't think it's SF or Pentagonlight quality by any means...but it sure ain't shabby for the price! As far as it being a step "below" JETBeam in quality, well, all I can say is that that's DEFINITELY a matter of opinion!
I don't think you opened a can of worms by any means! Sometimes we ALL prematurely judge a light negatively before giving it a chance to grow on us. By the same token, I think at some point or other, most of us have prematurely judged a light POSITIVELY before we've had a chance to look at some negative aspects as well...or before the negative aspects become apparent! In any regard, I'm glad the T20C2 MKII has grown on you...I think it's a good "bang for the buck" light!