I recently have started to want the ta21, but was thinking real hard if it was worth it compared to the TK20.
I am keeping the TK20, as I love it, but was wondering if the throw on the ta21 is significant or not.
I love the UI of the ta21, too bad the tk20 doesn't have it.
Also, if possible, a place where the ta21 is cheaper than $95-
Do you think it is worth the extra money?
Also, please feel free to ask any other questions or comments about these lights.
Note: the tk20 has a smooth reflector, the ta21 has an OP.
I recently have started to want the ta21, but was thinking real hard if it was worth it compared to the TK20.
I am keeping the TK20, as I love it, but was wondering if the throw on the ta21 is significant or not.
I love the UI of the ta21, too bad the tk20 doesn't have it.
Also, if possible, a place where the ta21 is cheaper than $95-
Do you think it is worth the extra money?
Also, please feel free to ask any other questions or comments about these lights.
Note: the tk20 has a smooth reflector, the ta21 has an OP.