Taclite vs. Triad (differences?)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 30, 2002
Old Bay City, CA
Could someone give me the short story on what the exact differences are between the ASP Taclite and the Triad. Or are the the same? I'm turning into a "beamaholic" and I hear one (or both) of these is just the ticket.


The "Taclite" and the "Triad" are the same light. As I understand it, ASP changed the name because the "Taclite" name sounded like the name of another light (if wrong, please correct me).

The original Taclite and Traid lights have an internal focus; the "Triad II" (?) has an external focus.

Hope this helps.

Originally posted by sotto:
Could someone give me the short story on what the exact differences are between the ASP Taclite and the Triad. Or are the the same? I'm turning into a "beamaholic" and I hear one (or both) of these is just the ticket.

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Sotto,

I'm a devoted Taclite user and reviewer and I must confess that I too am sometimes confused by the seemingly contradictory terminolgy.

The best advice would be to get the INTERNAL focus Taclite/Triad with a BACKSWITCH. Make sure it has the newer TRIAD lamp which is somewhat teardrop shaped, not the older lamp which was more cylindrical. The newer lamp affords a tighter focus.

There is a possibility that the backswitch has been discontinued, which would be a real loss. If you use SEARCH under Taclite or ASP Taclite you'll find lots of information.

MIKE: I heard the same story but I can't verify it.


Thanks for the details, but could you explain exactly what you mean by "backswitch". Do you mean tailswitch a la Surefire or something else?

Also, I see that Quartermaster Supply down the street from my workplace has the Triads and maybe I can check on the bulbshape. Also, why the preference for the internal focus? Isn't that more trouble than the external?

The back switch is on the end of the light. Some models have the switch on the barrel.
The internal focus is harder to set but once it is set, it will not change as is the case of the external focus.
BTW, the switch is very soft, unlike an E2e. It is also resessed to prevent an AD. I like mine alot.
I've never seen a Taclite/Triad with the switch on the barrel. There is a connector, which allows the light to be attached to an ASP baton. The switch on the connector, by necessity, is mounted on the side. This is the setup I currently use at work; my "old" Taclite is attached to a 16" ASP, and carried in a holder designed for a 31" ASP. So far, it works great.

The Taclite/Triad is a very good light. I also recommend that you get the internal focus model.

The reason people generaly like the internal focus: most people keep the light at the same focus point, same as a fixed focus. With the internal focus, it won't change on you. TX
I got the electroless (unfortunately its a Triad II i.e. external focus). I like the switch a lot but find that I prefer the black finish which looks much better and smaller.
