Tactical marker?


Oct 5, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
I just saw this new item on Cold Steel's website...a improved sharpy marker/impact weapon? I like the idea but is that overkill? Do you think that any marker will do the same job, or do you think the extra strong plastic will make a difference? If nothing else I like the screw on cap!

A common sturdy marker would probably do the job just as well without the silly writing on it:D
A metal pen of decent size would probably be even better..

A folded folder is also a decent tool for this;)
thats kind of what I was thinking...There are many impact weapons avaliable out there but almost anythign would work in the same manner in an emergency situation....I just thought it was an interesting marketing idea...
I know people love to bash ColdSteel...and I'm not taking sides, but I don't think this is any different that all the titanium pens, stylus, chopsticks, etc out there. I'll probably end up buying one for myself simply because I'm a gadget/gear head!
I am going to put three letters of the alphabit below. It will give a hint as to why this particular item is marketed, and why it would be desired as a defense weapon by some travelers. Read them and think about it!

I can't argue the fact that this item is no better than most items similar to it in its affectiveness to turn into a self defense weapon, but I too am a gadget guy and if I saw one at a store somewhere I might buy it just for the sake of owning one...but I don't think I would go out of my way to get one...And I would not want to rely on a marker of any kind in a self defense situation, thats why I carry knives...Not just for tools, but it gives me that little bit of a safe feeling...
cutlerylover said:
thats kind of what I was thinking...There are many impact weapons avaliable out there but almost anythign would work in the same manner in an emergency situation....I just thought it was an interesting marketing idea...

The trouble with this item and it's marketing idea is they make it clear it is a weapon. That could be a problem with local laws. You would be better off with a good sturdy pen that will do the same thing and you won't have to deal with criminal or civil problems explaining why you would carry a weapon like that.
Giving it a generic 'Permanent Marker' label would make it a covert pocket-stick substitute capable of doing some damage.

Even then, I would not pay good money for one of these. How is a slightly improved improvised weapon much better than any old improvised weapon? Improvised does not mean covert or sneaky, it means you don't have anything else to work with. Paying extra so even your last-ditch, 'by the skin of your teeth' impact weapons can be more effective is beyond paranoia.

If it were cheap enough I admit I'd buy one just to show it to friends for a laugh, but I would never let anyone I know rely on this for self-defense.