Tail cap Surefire U2

jumping hansje

Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2006
Can someone explain to me what can be the problem ore how difficult is it to send a tail cap from the USA to the Netherlands (Europe).
Reason for my question is that i am waiting for over 7 months now for a new tailcap.
I have several promisses from Surefire that they send one to me but however never ever one arrived over here.
I think it is nothing more than put the tail cap in a envelope and ship it to me.
Am i thinking to simple ore do i miss something?!?:thinking:
Their email system is backed up beyond belief, but a phone call always brings a fast response.

Toll-Free Phone: 00-800-7843-7843 (Germany and England Only)

Outside the US: 714-545-9444
Have you called them or e-mailed them.

Many people report much better and quicker responses using the phone.
I e-mailed them several times and every time they promised me to send one.
Also afterwards there was every time a excuse that it not arrived over here, than they ran out of tail caps, than my telephone number was not send in my mail and further and further.
After this is asked why it was so difficult yust to send a tail cap and this was the answer:

I apologize for all the confusion. But you need to understand, it is EXTREMELY difficult to make international shipments. There are export licenses that need to be obtained for each product we ship. There are import/export duties and tariffs that WE have to pay for each product we ship. Plus the cost of shipping the product itself. To ship one tail cap internationally will cost us $60-$75 US dollars. Then there is the risk of it getting lost in transit, which obviously does happen.
As I stated, we will make another attempt to have a tail cap sent to you. But if it gets lost again then we are out another $60-$75 dollars. That is why I asked that if it were to get lost, that you will need to send the light to us. That way you will help offset the cost of previous shipments and you will assume some of the risk too.
We provide the best service we can. But once the product leaves our facility, like you, we are at the mercy of the shipping company and customs in both our country and yours.

I hope this makes think more clear.



SureFire Technical Support

My question now is is it really so difficult or am i thinking to simple?!?
This is one of the reasons why the national Distributor in each international country has a network of dealers/retailers. If a SureFire product is purchased through such regular channels then local support in the event of issues becomes far easier/faster/cost effective.

I can appreciate exactly what they say. I used to ship eBay items anywhere in the world, but the customs decs became a real hassle, then customers complained about shipping costs (over which I have no control). Now I ship USA only, and wouldn't blame someone in Europe for selling to Europe only.

Forget about the email, it does nothing but add weeks to resolving your issue. Contact by telephone, log the name of the Customer Service Rep that helps you, speak to a Customer Service Manager if you aren't happy. SF is a large enough company that $70 one way or the other isn't going to put them out of business:huh:
This is one of the reasons why the national Distributor in each international country has a network of dealers/retailers. If a SureFire product is purchased through such regular channels then local support in the event of issues becomes far easier/faster/cost effective.


I wish you were right, but no.
The ditributor does even think that the L1 uses a luxeon led, they don't know about the "new" models from Surefire.
When Surefire has a new model on the market it takes approximately 1 to 2 years before it is here on the market. Maybe because they have "old" stock i don't know.
It is terrible here to get those products, that is the reason why i e-mailed Surefire. (to help me out)
What is the problem with your U2 tailcap?
If it is jamming up try putting a couple of drops of oil in the tailcap, and let it work it's way through the moving parts. It should be fine afterwards.
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