Taking a break from CPF...


Jul 20, 2006
Irvine, CA
Hey Everyone,

I'm taking an approximately 6 month break from CPF. I am proud to announce that I am starting the Sheriffs academy in a couple of weeks. I've been spending most of my time preparing for the academy through physical training and memorization work. I am hired through the department, so it is a paid academy with benefits and all.

Wish me luck! Life is going to suck for the first couple of months :sick2:. But one thing that I am happy about is that by the time I graduate, I will have money, and the all the new SF's will be out (U2A, U2B, KL9)!!! Not to mention the deep discount I'll have on said products at a particular LEO only shop.

Farewell for now!
Good Luck to you, Supernam !

Stay safe.

We'll keep you posted on all the updates & changes when u return.


Good luck....!!!

I do not know you but I`ve enjoyed reading you posts......:cool:

Stay safe....!
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Looking forward to your return! As we all know, OC Sheriff's Dept. is in need of some "new blood!" (Local scandal with the former Sheriff facing Fed indictment!)

Give it hell and :thumbsup:

Scandal indeed. It used to be much easier to obtain a CCW in OC when Sheriff Corona was heading the department.
Good luck with the new career. Remember a few things. (1) NEVER GIVE UP!!!! :rock: (2) Attention to detail, Attention to detail. (3) "PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY". :devil:
Good luck to you and I hope to see your posts and especially beamshots back here in the future. I love that shot of you in the mirror with the camera in front of you and the suprised look on your face when the light you were testing was brighter than you expected.
Thank you friends for the kind words of encouragement, I hope that the law enforcement community is as tight as the one here at CPF!
From a retired Northern Cal SO Detective... Good luck!! Remember, this is just the beginning. There will be hard times but they are well worth it. Listen to you're instructors and FTO's. Most of what they will be saying is things you will need to know. Keep you're head down and your powder dry.
Good luck! Going to miss the face in the mirror beamshot comparisons of yours specially the P7 one.

Take care,
