Target River Rock 1AA


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2007
Western PA, USA
Picked one of these lights up at Target for 12.99. Same exact build as the Aurora 1x123A, but it is powered by a single AA cell. See this link
My questions are, does anyone else have one of these, and is the LED the Nichia 'Jupiter' 1.5 or some other Nichia LED. Any other data, such as runtimes, lumens etc. would also be appreciated. Educated guesses also welcome. Suprised I couldn't glean any info from the search function, possibly a brand new offering??
No... the new 1W Luxeon River Rock and has a traditional reflector is the one that is $22 or $23. The $12 or $13 1xAA light is a 5mm LED with the optic that makes the moonbeam type [pattern that the 2xAA River Rock and the 2xC River Rock did.
cratz2 said:
No... the new 1W Luxeon River Rock and has a traditional reflector is the one that is $22 or $23. The $12 or $13 1xAA light is a 5mm LED with the optic that makes the moonbeam type [pattern that the 2xAA River Rock and the 2xC River Rock did.

It's probably more descriptive to say "green aluminum River Rock 1AA" and "black Nuwai X-1 River Rock 1AA" btw.

Had the "Green River Rock" one. It has been retired to the wifes glove box. Don't get me wrong. I didn't not use it because it was junk and gave the junk to her. This light compliments the G2's in the purse and trunk. Its more for me, I get bored when I'm a passenger in a car.

The light was OK and I got it thinking it would be a good host. I didn't like the on/off button on the side and the lens. I was told I would have to put the light in a bag in boiling water to get to the LED.
williamv0123 said:
My questions are, does anyone else have one of these, and is the LED the Nichia 'Jupiter' 1.5 or some other Nichia LED. Any other data, such as runtimes, lumens etc. would also be appreciated. Educated guesses also welcome. Suprised I couldn't glean any info from the search function, possibly a brand new offering??

I think it's just a 5mm LED... maybe a Nichia CS or something like that. If it's a Jupiter, it's severely under-driven. Output is maybe 10 Lumens. Since the beam is wider than the original Inova X1 with the optic, the acutal beam is less intense, but it looks maybe 50% brighter overall with the ceiling bounce test. I think the plastic lens kills output compared to the VERY nice glass lens of the Inova.

I also had the similar 2xAA and the 2xC and, while I thought they were unique lights, I was always disappointed with the output. I think they are about 2 to 3 times as bright as the Inova X1, but with either 2 AA or 2 C cells, they still only gave about the same runtime as the X1. I bet that plastic lens is keeping half of the total output of the emitter.
cratz2 said:
I think it's just a 5mm LED... maybe a Nichia CS or something like that. If it's a Jupiter, it's severely under-driven. Output is maybe 10 Lumens. Since the beam is wider than the original Inova X1 with the optic, the acutal beam is less intense, but it looks maybe 50% brighter overall with the ceiling bounce test. I think the plastic lens kills output compared to the VERY nice glass lens of the Inova.

I was thinking the same thing. Doesn't look bright enough to be a Jupiter. I also agree with the plastic optics degrading the output. Wonder what a quality glass aspherical lens would do for it ?

Mike M, does seem like a good host for a mod. Not a badly constructed light. I could do without the strobe though.

Thanks for all you're input guys.