Tektite LPR-3 replacement


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2004
North Central Pennsylvania. USA
I have a LED replacement from Tektite that I installed in my 3D Mag about 5 years ago. Will the Terra Lux extreme be much brighter in my light? The Tektite had a long run time but wasn't as bright as I hoped. Anyone ever use this LED?
I don't think too many people have both the LPR-3 and the TLE-6EX.

The Tektite bulbs are an old design and built to work in Tektite's plastic lights. So most are dim. Maglight's LED upgrade modules are brighter. My 2 cell upgrade is much brighter than my Tektites (LPR-2, LPR-3, LPR-113) and the 3 cell is 25% brighter than that according to FLR.

There seems to be 3 versions of the TLE-6EXB (2-3 cell, do not get the 4-6 cell version):
K2 LED uses lots of energy to produce probably not much more light than a Mag LED upgrade.
SSC-P4 probably the brightest but the gummy dome of the LED is a dust magnet and fragile.
K2 TFFC LED much better than the older K2 but still not the most efficient LED around.

The problem with powerful drop ins in a Maglight is the bulb holder cannot get rid of the heat. So after 15 minutes the temperature protection dims the light.

The really bright LED mods heatsink the LED directly to the flashlight body to keep the LED cool. Unfortunately the price goes up quite a bit.

My estimated brightness:
Tektite LPR-3 20-30 lumens, (I am overdriving mine in a 4 cell light)
MagLED 3 cell 66 lumens,
Terralux TLE-6EXB ?
Malkoff 140 lumens,
Elektrolumens MT-V 700 lumens (he is not offering the MT-1, MT-III, MT-IV at this time).
I own a number of Tektite LPR-3. It is made with a Lux I side emitter with a 2.7 ohm resistor in series, to drive 300 mA though the LED at 4.5 Volt.
I have found easy enough to replace the LuxI SE with a SSC P4.

You need to insulate the slug of the P4 (some paint or a mica disc). It is an excellent upgrade.
Due to the different radiation pattern of the P4 compared to a SE, the P4 upgrade works well in the 3D Mag and 3D Streamlight I have. In other 4.5 Volt lights, with shallow reflectors and/or fixed focus, the modified LPR-3 doesn't focus properly.
I dont' own Terralux to make a comparison.

My best MAG upgrade, so far, it has been to replace the stock Lux III emitter of a MAGLed adapter with a SSC P4. There are CPF threads with the necessary indications on how to conduct the LED swap.
I got 100+ initial lumens from a MAG 3D. It dims as soon the LED start warming up, but to a lesser extent of the original LuxIII.

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