their C and D cells aint bad in my experience, the AAAs and AAs are kinda hit and miss, I've had some duds, and some under-performers.
If they are anything like other tenergy AAA/AA cells, they will have a broad range of capacity, somewhere around 1700-2200mAH for the AAs, and somewhere around 500-750mAH for the AAAs. Many of my 2600mAH AA Tenergy cells actually came pretty close to their rating (over 2500 by my testing methods), but quite a few have been lower than that. The consistancy is the main problem with the Tenergy/Powerizer cells IMO, other than the consistency issues they aren't too bad, I've used the 2600s to drive an ROP, and they drive it nearly as bright as my eneloops, so they handle the current reasonably well.