testing voltage on 21700 batteries?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2007
I have a voltage tester from ZTS that is certified to work with 18650 batteries.
(It's the kind where you use a probe attached to the tester to check the battery terminals..)

Will it work with 21700 batteries? I know 18650 batteries and 21700 batteries are the same voltage..so I'm fairly certain it'll work fine.

Just wanted to double-check.

here it is: https://www.ztsinc.com/minimbt.html
Thought I'd ask.Now here comes the waiting for my new Zebralight SC700d.
(Fedex is tormenting me...I thought it'd arrive today.)
I have the MBT-1 and have the 40t samsung 21700's that I ordered with my Zebralight SC700d, and it appears to work the same as the 18650 tests that I have run. It shows 100%, etc, when fully charged. Hope you like the Zebralight. I like mine, but I have quite a few Zebras. They are my favorite light maker.
Thought I'd ask.Now here comes the waiting for my new Zebralight SC700d.
(Fedex is tormenting me...I thought it'd arrive today.)

You don't need a separate battery tester to check cell charge. The Zebralights are pretty decent for the lithium-ion lights (their NiMH load testing sucks, though). Quad-click from off, and you get 1 to 4 blinks to indicate charge level.

Okay, okay, I know it's only doing a voltage test, and the ZTS is way more accurate. But really... do you need an exact level, or will 1 or 2 blinks be enough to tell you its time to recharge?