Thank you guys, lights on the readyline during power failure


Feb 8, 2006
Heavy rains and high winds put the power out last night.

I reached in my RF pocket and out came my Fenix LODCE with tritium capsule glowing brigtht green. It worked flawlessly to grab up a couple other lights and my lovely wife and I navigated to bed w/o stubbing toes, etc. Wonderful for the wife to experience brilliant gadgets first hand when being used and not just arriving in the mail.:)

Read the remainder of "The Road" with a WM Dorcy, thank you UKVincent, in bed. Funny, this book starts with the power going out and survivors of the apocalypse drag out their miserable lives. Makes you think that the abyss is not all that far away.

You guys are all right. I am in your debt.

All the best,

Isn't the power going out kind of fun when you have all these neat lights?

We lost ours twice yesturday, once durring the day (too bright for lights) then it came back on, then back out around 6pm, out till about 8pm

It get's a little booring, but then we decided to dig out Scubaopoly (Monopoly with a SCUBA theme) and played it till the lights came back on...

Hardest part was picking what lights to use for what...

I tried the 35W Hid for a bit, which lights up the house like the power is still on, but with only 1hr runtime, didnt' want to use it up.. For playing the game, ended up with a 4D maglight with a 3W LED I just built with spare parts I had laying around... worked great, plenty of light to see with...

I always love the power outages as it's fun to see how little amount of light it really takes to see where you are going, and everything in the room... simple 1.1Lumens from old Surefire L1 lit up the living room well enough to see quite easily (bounced of ceiling)
Hardest part was picking what lights to use for what...
