Heavy rains and high winds put the power out last night.
I reached in my RF pocket and out came my Fenix LODCE with tritium capsule glowing brigtht green. It worked flawlessly to grab up a couple other lights and my lovely wife and I navigated to bed w/o stubbing toes, etc. Wonderful for the wife to experience brilliant gadgets first hand when being used and not just arriving in the mail.
Read the remainder of "The Road" with a WM Dorcy, thank you UKVincent, in bed. Funny, this book starts with the power going out and survivors of the apocalypse drag out their miserable lives. Makes you think that the abyss is not all that far away.
You guys are all right. I am in your debt.
All the best,
I reached in my RF pocket and out came my Fenix LODCE with tritium capsule glowing brigtht green. It worked flawlessly to grab up a couple other lights and my lovely wife and I navigated to bed w/o stubbing toes, etc. Wonderful for the wife to experience brilliant gadgets first hand when being used and not just arriving in the mail.
Read the remainder of "The Road" with a WM Dorcy, thank you UKVincent, in bed. Funny, this book starts with the power going out and survivors of the apocalypse drag out their miserable lives. Makes you think that the abyss is not all that far away.
You guys are all right. I am in your debt.
All the best,