The Bedazzler Puke Light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2003
Lady Ada and Phil Torrone made a $250 working replica of the Dazzler, a $1 million non-lethal puke flashlight developed at the request of the US Dept. of Homeland Security. The link below includes complete instructions for making one of your own.

I'd be curious to hear from anyone who's actually seen one of these in action. Do they really work??
"Well turns out it doesn't work that well, but it is great for raves" :laughing:
Re: LED barf machine

hahaha what a waste of a million dollars, high pitched noise is much more incapacitating....i don't want to give someone welder's eye and a headache 2 hours from now, i want them to be incapacitated now....not to mention that thing was way to big to actually be carried on a belt or thanks...just plain old bullets for me (to use not be have used on)
Re: LED barf machine

Yeah but for $250 for the DIY version I was thinking it would be nice mounted in the rear window of my car to take care of tailgaters.
Re: LED barf machine

I was thinking it would be nice mounted in the rear window of my car to take care of tailgaters.
That is certainly an interesting idea, but I have a suspicion it would raise a few legal eyebrows if you implemented it. The cops would have no trouble tracking you down - they would just have to follow the trail of cars pulled off the road with all the drivers throwing up on the sidewalk, lol.
Re: LED barf machine

Is this what the random strobe feature on the Liteflux's is supposed to do?
Re: LED barf machine

Or maybe on the front porch at Halloween for the teenage trick or treaters that get rude.
Re: LED barf machine

i dunno how effective it would be...otherwise we'd be puking every time a cop pulled us over or an ambulance went past...i think its an all right idea for blinding but i doubt it causes sickness that rapidly, and if it does, close your eyes
Re: LED barf machine

my BM... (Barf machine)... and it only cost me $28 a few years ago.
Re: LED barf machine

Is it the green color or the frequency that causes these irritations? If it's the frequency, I think there are a few lights that will let you choose the strobe frequency, such as the LF2XT. Will this work?
Re: LED barf machine

It can´t be real...

That video is real as a 3 dollar bill! :thumbsdow
Re: LED barf machine

That thing will not have any effect on flashaholics.
I've merged these 2 threads as they were on the same topic. I had to choose between 2 superb existing titles, so the earlier of the 2 threads gets it.
I've always wondered how well will products like this work if you counter it with strobe of a higher frequency and single point intensity ....say MCE on strobe....