The LED Illumination Revolution


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2003
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada http://tinyu

"Apparently, it's time to ban Edison's venerable, now vilified, light bulb. European leaders, green pundits and the widely reported light bulb provisions of the U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 all urgently push the abandonment of incandescent bulbs.

The plan appears to be to convince everyone to switch to compact fluorescent lights (CFL), a technology that was introduced in the 1930s and perfected when rock was young and computers used vacuum tubes...."

This is a somewhat long article in favor of LEDs for general lighting; the author definitely doesn't like CFLs. I view the main problem with CFLs is the small amount of mercury used in each light, causing disposal issues. I think LEDs are the way of the future, but still aren't quite bright enough or cheap enough. PB
There is one article about revolution...again...

I think that 100lm/w or 200lm/w are not the main issues. So far there is not much companyes who are actually making led fixtures. No need for high lumens from 1w, if there is no fixtures.

I also hate the idea, that the development at the moment is in e27,E14,MR16 and GU10-base lamps. I just dont know why to put led in so small lamp. Led is openig lots of barriers which have been in general lighting so far.

The led itself is suitable for general lighting, because of the flood beam. I just dont understand why to use optic to make narrow beam with lens, and then its weird looking in general lighting.

This year is going to be interesting in general lighting. And thats because of the married between CREE and LLF. Philips and Osram dont want to let go incan or some other old tecnik, because they will get good money from those. CREE dont have any interest for this kind of behave.Its also seems that Philips is making some led-fixtures, but have...of course..overpriced them. They dont have any hurry to get leds to general lighting.


Its very important that we will get more companys to do good ledfixtures. Maybe the revoloution really will began.....
I also hate the idea, that the development at the moment is in e27,E14,MR16 and GU10-base lamps. I just dont know why to put led in so small lamp. Led is openig lots of barriers which have been in general lighting so far.

The led itself is suitable for general lighting, because of the flood beam.

I agree 100%. LEDs open up so much possibilities for light manufacturers, but instead they jam power leds to E27, E14(etc.) bulb and greatly reduce the usefulness of modern leds.