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The McLux has landed!


Nov 14, 2001
LOCO is more like it.

Read the announcement here.

Well, this is as official as it gets. We decided it was time to finally come out and show this little jewel of which we are so proud. The McLux doesn't really fit cleanly into any of the forums, but we thought we would start it here.

As we ask in the announcement, please share your thoughts with us here. I am going to be out of town this weekend, so I might not be able to respond to everybody immediately. Hopefully some of the other Skunks will keep an ear out.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!
I'm in line...that's all I have to say. Line forms around, but not necessarily behind, me.
The line is growing, I've wanted one of these since I saw the prototype.

I nominate this as the coolest looking flashlight ever
You should see the light in PERSON! The McLux is quite difficult to photograph. Especially the all black one. Trust me when I say it looks far better "in the metal."

Hey - shouldn't you guys be in bed?
I refuse to sleep until there is a McLux in my mail boxyuhztgwa
resd retdf,kzmjygz,km` oh sorry...fell asleep on the keyboard
Calm down everybody! Don't let those monster black clip screws in Leo's bottom picture scare you! He did that to one of the "first articles" before we sent him a pile of the correct screws!
I want one!!! Hopefully the price won't be that stiff, but I would really LOVE to have one of those! Will it come in a ready to go, fully tested form already? Or does it have to be a DIY kit?

From THE McLux site
We haven't yet decided if the lights will be sold as DIY kits or as turn-key units.
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Thanks for all the nice comments, guys!

So far it sounds like everybody WANTS turn-key units? Even though I posted over here in the area that's dedicated to modding? Hmmm.

You guys are reading the linked announcement, right? We're looking for feedback as well as interest level.

(Thanks Ryan
Skunk People,

This is one bitchin' light!!! Turn key is my preference and I'm interested enough to take one in nickel. What is the general ballpark price?

The compatability with SF and Arc isn't a strong point in my mind. Instead, I simply like the light for its aesthetics.

I didn't see what the light was made of. Aluminum or stainless?

ETA on delivery?
*golleeeee* that's one sweet torch... i'm afraid to ask how much (if i have to ask, i can't afford it, as they say). however, i might be able to put off buying RAM for all three computers and CF card for the digicam if i drool over it enough and it doesn't pass the century mark!
Okay, I'm in too! Whut're the specs on that there light anyway? That a 5-watter?

Don, wake up and talk to us!
If you buy the components, you put in the LED of your choice. The ones we built for ourselves are all 1W, McFlood, and BB400. Good run time EDC style flashlight.

We think the 5W should be no problem, but with a single 123, is not a good choice. You should be using a two 123 battery configuration.

I think the intent is to look if there are enought interested folks at this time. We are trying to get feedback, not your $$ at this time.

I can also confirm the extra parts are as we speak en route from SP to CA.

Oops, forget the question, just went to the announcement site and read up on it. So DIY'ers can simply Arctic a 5W on the heatsink bulkhead and we're good to go? Now ah'm REEELY (reeled?) in...
Its a Dream! What is tri-mode beam control? Is the bead-blasted surface also nickel plated too?