The *NEW* Ra/HDS upcoming light speculation thread....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
I hope Henry doesn't mind but with my limited finances I will be able to purchase *ONE* high end light so I am extremely anxious and curious about this upcoming light. I certainly *DO NOT* want to cause any problems between me, us and Henry so lets' keep it cool and not pester Henry into giving up details. I don't want to jinx anything LOL. Henry is really good at keeping this thing under wraps so bothering him for details would be futile anyway....
Its supposed to come out next month. Incidently my birthday is August 3rd so it would just plain ROCK if I could it get it for myself as a to me present.

So lets' share what we know about this upcoming light. So far all I've heard is that it will:

be single cell that will also run on RCRs
be roughly the same size as the Ra's
have a killer high output
be multi-mode.

I *believe* it will also be XPG based, but I can't be sure of course. I could be TOTALLY wrong on that one.

So anyone have any more info?

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While I enjoy a fun bit of speculating as much as the enxt guy...I think anyone with any real information isn't going to be talking until henry gives the OK (which is how it should be).

That twisty, four mode, xp-g, programable, 140 lumen high with 240 lumen "burst" that steps down to 170. I'll take one.
I'll take small (think muyshondt nautilus), twisty or clicky operation, at least 140 lumens and 4 modes, CR123 or RCR123 for power and XPG to light the way! Headlamp compatible? +1 for that as well! :thumbsup:
If it were a smaller version of the standard EDC that would be stellar. I'll take one of JWRitchie wants. :grin2:
I would love a smaller clicky or twisty. Maybe using a smaller battery source? Not sure if Henry would go that direction - it might not be heavy duty enough or durable enough. Or maybe a indestructible keychain light to pull me away from the Arc AAAs after all these years?

I can certainly dream...

Anything Henry makes is amazing though. And I'm sure what's coming down the pipe-line will be awesome no matter what it is... just look at the colored coated lights he is doing now - simply drool worthy, etc. Oh yeah!

I'd like a smaller clicky with the latest emitter, still CR123A and similar look and feel - In addition to the burst mode, I'd like three more 'out there' settings, stun, disrupt and giddy.

Yes that would do me. :grin2:

Of course I would only use those last three for good, never evil. For instance, when a muggle says to me: " You paid How much?" or " Yeah, it's good but have you seen a Mag?" or even " Why on Earth do you carry a torch???"


Never knew what hit him!
I saw a post a while ago that makes me think 2xAA light. The voltage is the same as a single CR123A; maybe it is easy to modify the circuitry and body.

A 1xAA novatac/HDS/Arc programmable light would be an awesome surprise though.
I don't know of anyone pushing flashlight designs to the level that Henry does. I am looking very forward to his next offering!
You're all wrong.

It's a headlamp.


the only time Henry says info on an upcoming development is when he is about ready to put it out, paraphrasing his words mind you. So headlamp and (2)AA body is what I'm looking for. Unless Henry opens his safe and show us a keychain light:D;)
i'll waite until henry has something to say on the matter.

Thats' just it. He isn't going to says something until its just about out, which is his right of course (duh!). But some people like me are in a position that when they buy their next light - THATS' IT for long while. So I'm trying to gather all available info so I can decide if this is the light I want to go for or not....

As far as it possibly being a headlamp, I hope NOT! That would be a big letdown for me anyway, with what I'm looking for - an EDC light.
Thats' just it. He isn't going to says something until its just about out, which is his right of course (duh!). But some people like me are in a position that when they buy their next light - THATS' IT for long while. So I'm trying to gather all available info so I can decide if this is the light I want to go for or not....

As far as it possibly being a headlamp, I hope NOT! That would be a big letdown for me anyway, with what I'm looking for - an EDC light.

LOL.. been there done that,

best guess..... 1aa edc
Agreed, I don't know if I'd be too thrilled with a headlamp, though many others would. Something tiny and twisty like an Aeon or Nautilus as another person mentioned would be SWEEEET! Then I could carry the Ra clicky or twisty as a primary and said tiny light for backup. I'd like that very much :)
Give me a smaller AA or even AAA model with programming, please. I'd even give up some toughness to keep it small.

NOoooo! I want a 1xcr123 XPG based light with multimodes and screaming output on high! Maybe even with that ceramic coating too....
Very interesting thread here.


Can someone provide a LINK to the " Ceramic Coating " you describe ?

Thank you, everyone !
