Thoghts- M30 & 2cell/3cell & dummy


Newly Enlightened
Sep 26, 2008
Lithia, Fl
I am not sure if this is doable/good idea, but I have been thinking of getting the Malkoff M30W drop in. I would also like to use it in 2-3 cell lights and thought of getting dummy 123 cells (when not using AA batteries).
My idea :thinking: is:
Is there (or can it be made) a sleeve that will fit around a good primary cell and make it so the battery is not being used, but the current passes around the cell. This way, you can be carrying spare batteries while running on 1 primary. I am rushed right now, so I am sorry if I am not clear or if this is a bad idea - please comment with any thoughts/ideas/sarcastic remarks.
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2 cell light such as the 6P with a 17670 cell. You then have no need for a spacer and you get much better runtime.
I am not sure if this is doable/good idea, but I have been thinking of getting the Malkoff M30W drop in. I would also like to use it in 2-3 cell lights and thought of getting dummy 123 cells (when not using AA batteries).
My idea :thinking: is:
Is there (or can it be made) a sleeve that will fit around a good primary cell and make it so the battery is not being used, but the current passes around the cell. This way, you can be carrying spare batteries while running on 1 primary. I am rushed right now, so I am sorry if I am not clear or if this is a bad idea - please comment with any thoughts/ideas/sarcastic remarks.

There's really not enough space in the battery tube to do that. You'll have maybe .5mm of clearance between the light and the batteries. If you get an 18650 sized tube it might be possible to construct something, but still way more difficult that it needs to be.
Thanks for the responses. The rechargeables will be in the future when I have some more $$$. I was thinking of this in my C3 also, but I guess it will be 2 x 17500 or 2 AA, or the dummys. The thought of having 2 spares sounded nice, but I guess without any boring it can't happen.