Those that use lanyards....

Terry M

Newly Enlightened
Mar 21, 2006
I have a question:

Do you wear the light around your neck? Do you keep it in your pocket with the lanyard hanging out for easy grab? Other?

I've never used the lanyard for my A2 but am considering to start doing so. I've always wore it in my holster on my belt. Not sure what would be a working option. I'm a service worker for a utility and I'm thinking around my neck would get in my way too much.

Perhaps I'll just stick with the holster....... :thinking:
I'm retired and don't use my lights for work, but I wear them on ball-chain lanyards of varying lengths when I'm piddling around. Since I always wear shirts with a pocket, I usually drop the light in my pocket if it gets in the way and let the lanyard droop. I've posted several threads with lanyard ideas on the forum, recently, you might check them out, if interested.
Same thing Mossyoak said, especially with and A2. It's already got an outstanding pocketclip. I only use the lanyard once it out of the pocket and I then expect to use it repeatedly.
Normally pocket carry, 1 cell lights and did not use a lanyard.........
however, I have found, with a Lanyard, that I can find them easier and not lose them, either!
GreenLed (Marketplace), makes some nice ones.


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I pocket carry with lanyard out for easy grab, but I use it around my wrist when I am climbing high places, or using a ladder. It's also good just in case you are in an area where there are cracks, holes, and hard to RETRIEVE FLASHLIGHT PLACES.
I have a lanyard on the Inova X5 that I use nightly around the house. Its a short wrist lanyard type, but mostly I carry it in my pocket with the lanyard out for quick access.

At work, I EDC a Fenix P1-CE with the lobster clip attached. When in dark areas I frequently clip the light onto the neck lanyard that holds my ID and key card. Last night, a co-worker with a Mag 2D asked why I carried my light around my neck. I dead panned, "because I can".

I recently purchased a small single cell AAA light that came with a neck size lanyard and find that combination to be handy enough to put up with the "flashlight nerd" comments. After a couple of weeks of carry, I'm hearing more "hey, can I borrow your light" comments than "flashlight nerd" comments. Fun stuff.
How you use a lanyard should be dictated by how dangerous your activities are. For aerial work or around machinery that may grab you and not let go this simple method is very secure and a hundred times safer than looping the lanyard around your wrist. To use this method the lanyard must be sized for the user so it may be held in the manner illustrated.

Aside from being very secure this method has the advantage that the user nearly always has the option of letting go, with much less of a chance of his hand (or whole body) being pulled into machinery or cordage and it greatly reduces the possibility of being found later dangling from an overhead.

I'm also very twitchy about neck lanyards but lately I have been wearing a little Photon Freedom on a shortened SS bead chain.

I would add that I've never found a weak-link device that I would trust my life -- or even a finger on with the possible exception of bead chain -- which is all weak link. Even bead chain should be as short as possible in hazardous environs.

When I was younger I had jobs for years and years where I worked in high places and around machinery. Bad things can happen very quickly. A carefully sized lanyard and a little practice with it may save your light, your hand or maybe your life. The same method works equally well with ice axes, knives and other tools. Give it some thought.
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Hello Sub Umbra,

I use lanyards off and on depending on the situation that I am in. I use a wrist lanyard in the same manner as you have illustrated and it is a great way to go.

As far as break away devices go, I have gotten reasonably consistent results using a small section of heat shrink to fasten the loop. I put an overhand knot at the end of the lanyard string to keep it from accidentally pulling through, then shrink down the heat shrink tubing. When I have everything adjusted, I take a pair of nail clippers and "nick" the heat shrink near the knot. Now I have a weak spot in the heat shrink, and when I pull hard, the heat shrink splits off.

Mind you, you do have to play around with this a little to get the right size and length of heat shrink, and you have to determine how much to "nick" the heat shrink. I might also add that with twine and bare hands, you would still suffer injury if your light got caught, but it might save a finger.

On my main light (SF L2 or Gladius) it is in my left front pocket with the lanyard looped around a belt loop for retention my back up /low light is a Infinity Ultra worn around the neck on a lanyard.
Fenix L0DCE on a breakway neck lanyard. It's pretty much my "go-to" light for most cases.

MY other EDC, a Fenix P3DCE, is holstered. I won't use a lanyard on a holstered light since it always seems to grab something and come flying out of the holster.

Other than the neck lanyard, I don't find much use for lanyards. I did have an instance the other night where a lanyard saved a light from a high fall on to concrete, but the problem is, the lanyard is the reason the light got dropped.
Hey, there are some real smart guys with alot of experience and knowledge that responded to this thread with some great information.
For me, lanyards are convenient for my lights and purposes, and most of them are costly, SureFires. At my age, things just all of a sudden like, JUMP out of my hands at most inopportune times and locations. I really hate the thought of one of my treasured SureFires jumping, end over end down my concrete stairway. Scratches and dings in my aluminum lights, really pi$$ me off! I'm thinking of trying one of those "coiled", phone cord style, lanyards that clip on your belt or belt loop. Anyone had experience with those, and where did you get it?
Thanks and happy New Year to you folks.
I put a short loop of rawhide on many of my small lights. It gives me something extra to hang on when pulling the light from the pocket and using.


I really don't use them all that often. I find for "urban" settings I never even think of it. When I head to the woods, i may throw on on my M4. The main reason is to give me one more layer to stop it from dropping and blowing out!!

If a mile in the woods, ya... that could be bad :)
I pocket carry with lanyard out for easy grab, but I use it around my wrist when I am climbing high places, or using a ladder. It's also good just in case you are in an area where there are cracks, holes, and hard to RETRIEVE FLASHLIGHT PLACES.
Yes that is how I assumed a lanyard is intended to be used...around the wrist in the event it gets dropped, its still atached to your wrist or hand.
Here's an odd suggestion...

I originally used the included lanyard on my X1, but the type 3 anodizing quickly shredded it.

Now if you have a Nintendo Wii, there was a problem with the wrist straps being too thin. They offered free replacements (still do AFAIK). I scooped one and the newer cord (much thicker) might survive.

I've been thinking of using that over the one that came with my X5, as I don't expect it to last more than 3 months.

The best thing about the Wii strap is that you can tighten it on the wrist :)
Other wise, when it sits on the glove, it's easy for it to slide off.

As for around the neck? Uhuh (shakes head). If you slip on ice and it catches on anything like the mirror of a car or something else... ow
Unless it's tucked in a shirt or something, but I'm not a jewelery type, just a watch for me.
For me a simple loop tied bowline knot that is shorter than the light and long enough to flip it overhand into the palm works best. They wear out and need replacing, so it doesn't have to be fancy.

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