thought my e01 was finished


Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2009
I was reading through some posts just a while ago and started thinking about my e01 and how i miss using it since i got my ezaa. so i searched some threads on the e01 hoping to rekindle the flame for my former companion and found the thread "is the e01 still worth it". after reading through it i was so excited and went to go grab my e01 off my keys to discover the head wouldn't turn. so i applied some force and heard it pop. instantly i knew exactly what it was, a leaked alkaline. so i took the head off and discovered i had a battery stuck in my light. i've read some stories on here before about batteries leaking and ruining lights but have never had it happen to me before. i thought for sure my light was a gonner. so i grabbed my drill and put a bit through the battery and to my suprise the battery popped right out. the battery is still hising at me as i type. i'm just so happy i didn't loose my e01 i had to tell someone. i never really thought it would happen to me because i only use name brand batteries. the battery in the light was an energizer industrial. well, lesson learned, never ever will i leave alkalines in any of my lights again.:ohgeez:
and does the e01 still work after cleaning the mess??
i bet it does,bombproof little light
"is the e01 still worth it"


first thing i learned coming to this forum was to never.ever put alkaline batteries in any flashlight
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I use alkalines but, check them weekly to head off trouble. All alkalines will leak sooner or later. I use Lithium Primaries in my better lights. Most big alkaline makers will repair or replace damage caused by their product. The carbon zinc batterys I never had a problem with as far as leakage. I don't know why.
Alkalines are just crap, i had one leaking on my wooden desk 2 weeks ago...i prefer lithium-ion chemistry, now more than ever.
Cool story! :twothumbs

These little lights are tougher than many give them credit for.
+1 on the little EO1,short story needed to grab a light tonight quick just to nip to dump my rubbish and glass at the local supermarket bottle bank,staring at about 20 lights on my display tucked the Fenix quickly in my pocket,dependable little tikes they are.
I think it's pretty rare to have a nihm leak. Good quality nihms like Eneloops are highly regarded here.
I love my E01. It may not be the brightest, but it's a hell of a light for run time and reliability.
This months CPF "Alkalines ate my light" submission.

I still use an old E0 Dart on my keychain (E01 predecessor)... no complaints.
and does the e01 still work after cleaning the mess??
i bet it does,bombproof little light
"is the e01 still worth it"


first thing i learned coming to this forum was to never.ever put alkaline batteries in any flashlight
the e01 does still work! just some scaping off of the battery acid in the tube and where the head contacts the tube walls. i've always known about leaking batteries and i've seen numerous cases here but i figured most of the cases were from old batteries or cheap batteries. i always buy good brands and replace them often. i thought maybe the head got twisted on and the battery just got depleted to the point of leaking. i learned my lesson though, luckily not the hardest way.
that´s good to know.

it´s funny.i got 3 e01,one in olive.i gave it to my 6 month´s know how bad treatment this one is having:saliva,bitten to death,dropped to the floor like 1000 times...
only put it under water for cleaning and the thing is working flawlessly!!!not even a scratch.
amazing little light you can always count on