Flashlight Enthusiast
Thoughts and prayers to our CA friends. I guess we all knew this could happen with almost no rainfall this year. It's bad enough to lose your home. I just hope for no injuries or loss of life.
In case you guys didn't hear the details, the fire at Santiago Canyon was caused by a stolen car being abandoned and set ablaze. Low lifes.
Agree, those fires are horrible, and apparently getting worse. Also the drought in Southeast....Atlanta has 60 days of water left with no backup plan?
I saw a few neighbors evacuate, but most never even woke up. Sleeping within sight of huge flames--not something I felt comfortable doing.
From reports at Qualcomm stadium, the main SD evac point, refugees are having to fight off constant attempts to give them food, water, blankets, massages, Yoga classes and Starbucks venti mocha frappucinos (just kidding on that last one. . .I think).