Throwiest KL4-format LED head?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 27, 2003

I've really enjoyed rekindling my flashaholism and my current thrust is to build up a set of L4/E2-format lights with a range of capabilities. So far I have a Milky Boxter with a K2-TFFC, a KL4 Freak with an MC-E wired up 2s2p, an L1 TIR head overdriven on a 17670, and a Milky Gossamer on the way. All are on L4 or E2 bodies. So I've lights with multi-levels and good output, single-level massive output, tight beam thrower, and multi-level massive output. I seek ease of carry and reasonable runtime, so single 16340-cell lights are not desirable.

At this point, I'm wondering if there is a more potent thrower in K4 or E2 form. The head has got to look pretty stock and it should run on either a 17670 or 2x123. Now, I guess it has to be a TIR head, but as I'm a bit out of touch, I've come here looking for guidance. Would the KX2C be a candidate?

After this, I think I'd be looking for an SST-50 in KL4 head for improved beam quality (over and MC-E) so I can run it on a 17670 or an 18650, if I can ever find a custom E-body. But then again, maybe it's time to stretch to a U2 platform.

Ideas? Comments?

only way for the KL4 head to throw farther without optics is to have a reflector thats longer than its diameter...probably not much to choose from for a LED head of this magnitude.

Despite its designed projections the KL4 head is very undersized for the luxV in terms of heatsinking. MCEs also heat it up beyond regions of comfort within 10 or so minutes...I don't know how well SST-50s will work:ohgeez:
I've accepted the fact that I will need an optic. The L1 head is evidence of that. And you're right about heat in a KL4. I've nearly burned my leg a few times. For short stints, the heat is entirely manageable. Most of my use tends to the middle levels and so heat is less of a problem.

The best throw I have gotten is with an XR-E and the SF TIR optic used in the newer XR-E lights. I switched to a Q4 5B emitter and a milky board that puts out 1.3A on high from a 17670. I measure about 8000 lux of neutral tint beauty at 1 meter. With the huge and useful hotspot coupled with a custom 3 level board that I can switch from low-med-high to high-med-low I can't ask for more! :twothumbs

Edit: I just thought I should put that lux value of 8000 @ 1 meter into perspective since there is variation between meters. My Fenix TK20 seems like a good comparison since it also uses a neutral tint XR-E and is focused for pretty good throw using a reflector. Even though the reflector on the TK20 is quite a bit larger than the SF TIR optics, the TK20 peaks at about 5600 lux @ 1 meter. The comparably smaller SF optic gives not only a brighter hotspot, but also a much larger hotspot. Plus, I love that I can run my E series head on an IMR 16340, 17670, or 18650 depending on which body I feel like putting it on. SF Legos rule!
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