Tiablo ACE-G -- temporary aspheric solution! beamshots added!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
while poking around with my flashlight parts...

well.. I found out that a Tiablo A9 aspheric fits somewhat onto the ACE-G's head...it's smaller.. but using that white plastic ring its a good temp fix.... though I think it would be best to get an actual bigger aspheric.. it might fall out.

anyways.. here's a bit o' fun.

a10g not very good with aspheric due to length of reflector...

now, pics!





focus is better looking IRL...

now hurry up and get dark!

ACE-G on left.. A10-G on right!!
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Hey csshih. Another interesting tidbit of information!

By the way, what exactly DOES the aspherical lense do, other than make all four dies super-visible?
aspherics basically concentrate the light.

the light from an LED is usually very wide and floody.

the reflector concentrates the light into a circle.

an aspheric concentrates the light so much, that the dies show up.
Nice find, but a P7/MCE with aspheric lens just doesnt work i tried that with mag P7+KD Aspheric Lens.
heh.. it works fine with mine :p....
gotta get the placement just right.. and in this case.. the reflector is just about deep enough.
Hi csshih,

Sorry if I sound a little bit lost... :laughing:

Did you replace the original lens with the A9 aspheric lens and had it held in place with the white plastic ring?

I also have (one of) my A9 modded with the aspheric lens and I love it in that configuration.

Is the quad die beam brighter than the standard?

Hey Lau,

No problem!

I replaced the original lens of the ACE-G.

To do this: I had removed the aspheric lens from the A9 head,

opened the ACE-G head, took out the lens.

placed the aspheric lens on the ACE-G's reflector,

placed the white ring on top of the aspheric lens,

screw the head back together..

the Oring in the bezel of the ACE-G should just hold the aspheric in place.. though I don't think it's the best hold..

To my eyes, the ACE-G aspheric is actually brighter than the A10-G :O

but still.. I think it would be wise to find a slightly bigger aspheric lens, or, a bigger plastic ring..., if possible.. with a bit of beating around, the lens would probably fall out.. not the best thing to happen..

hmm.. I think that dx sku 12834 would probably fit..measure 50mm on my cheap calipers.. ugh.. if only I had the cash.
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Sweet idea but how come theres no reflector image projected? I played around with lights using a telescope as an aspheric and it produced a wierd image of the reflector.
hmm.. there is a tiny bit of the reflector showing up.. see the ring in the pic? it's just that the focused part i waaay to bright :p.

huh.. anyone got a spare 3$? I need to fund-ify my paypal account :mecry:

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