tiablo ma6 problem 4th post... *new findings*


Oct 9, 2006
hollister, ca.
Well I just pulled the trigger on a tiablo MA6 from Battery junction.
This is my first order from MATTK so I hope everything is as good as i have read. (been burned by alot of other online dealers havent ordered anything online in like 6 months becasue of this)

Well I hope all I have read about the MA6 is true as I have not been very impressed or pleased with the g2l I got. (read needs m60l)
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Re: tiablo ma6 ???

ernsanada and myself both have reviews with indoor and outdoor beamshots in the reviews section if you have not allready seen them. My personal opion.... it is or is among the best flashlights I have ever owned. It is 2-3x brighter and much whiter than your G2L. I think you will be happy.

One peice of advice.... spend the money and buy AW 17670's for it over Ultrafire etc. I have bought both brands, and the AW cells are really worth the extra money.

Lastly, Batteryjunction is a great place to buy lights from, and MattK and team really stand behind what they sell. (as someone who has bought around 10 lights from them in the last year and a half)

Enjoy your light!
Re: tiablo ma6 ???

I did see both of those great reviews. Thank you.

I guess I am just aprehensive about the whole internet thing after getting royally screwed recently.

Thanks for chiming in. I hear greast things about battery junction so i am very sure they will do right by me.

I was also unsure as this will be my first trully higher end flashlight (above the 60$ mark). But needed (unless you ask the beter half but she wants me to be happy) a smaller light that can throw out about as much light as my malkoff mag d drop in. I sure hope this fills the bill as i also needed a low mode as this will be used to do some closer work under and in things.

Thanks again......

By the way I was wondering if anyone has done a surefire p61 to malkoff m60l comparison??????
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Re: tiablo ma6 ??? surefire p61/malkoff m60l. please!???

ok Tiablo is here and WOW!!!!!!!!!

One problem though....
Isnt the light if turned off in mode 2 supposed to come on in mode 2????
Mine goes back into mode 1 and I would like it start off in low.
Turn it on in mode 1 switch to mode 2 wait a few seconds then turn it off.
The next time I press the button to turn it on it gives out a very short flash and thats it. The second time i press the button it goes into mode one 100%.
Any info would be great as i thought it was supposed to come back on in mode 2 like the directions say. The batteries are new and just out of the package. Other than this frustrating problem i love the light!!

P.S. Battery junction is great light is here in 2 days packaged perfectly no hassle what so ever.
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Re: tiablo ma6 problem please read 4th post thanks

I am glad you like your light. I use my MA6 mainly in mode one....but wome times when I use it in mode two, it can come back on on high (mode 1) as well. Not all the time, but sometimes.

I hope you still keep liking your light and your mode 2 issues go away eventually.
Re: tiablo ma6 ??? surefire p61/malkoff m60l. please!???

ok Tiablo is here and WOW!!!!!!!!!

One problem though....
Isnt the light if turned off in mode 2 supposed to come on in mode 2????
Mine goes back into mode 1 and I would like it start off in low.
Turn it on in mode 1 switch to mode 2 wait a few seconds then turn it off.
The next time I press the button to turn it on it gives out a very short flash and thats it. The second time i press the button it goes into mode one 100%.
Any info would be great as i thought it was supposed to come back on in mode 2 like the directions say. The batteries are new and just out of the package. Other than this frustrating problem i love the light!!

P.S. Battery junction is great light is here in 2 days packaged perfectly no hassle what so ever.

I think you might be using the UI wrong, so I'll explain it here just to be sure. The light has two modes, each of which have two settings. mode 1: high-med-low-off. mode 2: low-med-high-SOS-strobe. The light remembers what mode it is in, but not what setting. To switch settings press the switch within 1 second of turning the light on or switching settings last. to switch modes (make it come on in low) start with the light off, then hold down the switch for 3 seconds, or until you see the brightness change. The light can't change modes from an off position - is that what you were trying to do?
Re: tiablo ma6 problem please read 4th post thanks

nooo...... i am not trying to make it change modes in the off position.

i turn it on change it to mode 2 low wait a few seconds then turn it off to leave it there. the next time i go to fire the light up i have to push the clicky twice to get it to come on. the first time i only get a very brief flash. the second will fire the light up in mode one high.
if i have to push the clicky twice to get the light to come on and it will only fire up in high instead of returning to low as i left it or mode 2 period for that matter i am very dissapointed.....
*UPDATE* ok i played with the light some more and if i turn it off then back on within about 15 seconds it works as it should but if i havent used it with in that time frame it does this flash and not comming on stuff.

thansk for your input i did read the instructions and am operating the light per its directions. other than this problem i think the light kicks butt. but i did just receive it today and i was wondering if this was normal as this is not how it is supposed to work per the instructions included. i have tried 2 sets of batteries both new with the same results. i dont know what is wrong maybe i just got a lemon. i know these things happen but i wanted to discuss things before i contacted the dealer about it.
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Re: tiablo ma6 problem please read 4th post thanks

I need to play with another light to see if I can replicate this but it's never come up before.

We'll figure it out and make it right. :)
Re: tiablo ma6 problem please read 4th post thanks

Found something completely interesting out tonite.....
Put in a pair of half dead cr123a primaries.....(dead to the point that my surefire g2l is out of regulation)
And viola U.I. works exactly as stated online and in the instrucions.
But the output is about half what it is on 2 fresh cr123a primaries so i am guessing that my particular light isnt going to work in the specified 2.7 to 8.4 volt range as 6volts from 2 new primaries causes it to go all wonky :confused::confused::confused: :poke::sigh:
*Newest problem....sometimes it will come on but if you try to change modes or brightness lvls it will it turn off....or just not come on at all until you remove the batteries and reinstall them*

Finding this out is very dissapointing.....I need a light thats works all the time every time....Some times i am in a situation that requires light now...not when the light feels like it wants to:mad::sick2:
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