I sent an e-mail today to several retailers to find out who would quote the best price on an 8" TigerLight. The lowest so far is $99.95 including shipping via UPS. Does anyone know of any dealers with a lower price?
A place called Uniforms West Supply in Utah. The e-mail is from Scott Woody. His e-mail address is [email protected] The URL is www.postalserviceuniforms.com or uniformswest.com What is strange is that I don't see the TigerLight listed on their webpage, but I think they were listed as a dealer on the TigerLight.net webpage.
Tigerlights are Made in Utah? Maybe they should be sold thru the church's distribution centres. Only way I'll ever get my hands on one here in this far away brown land.
Tacticalwarehouse has the great 11" Tigerlight special, but nary a word on the 8". Maybe we can cajole him and Tigerlight Pro into it. Presumeably there are others of us interested in the 8"?
tkl, when I called uniformswest, they had to transfer me, because the main line is apparently the fabric side of the house.
tkl: Jeff told you $99 plus shipping for which light? Earlier in the morning, he was the guy who told me that the 8" version isn't released yet, and won't be until January. Maybe he got his story wrong. He told me the $99 price was for the 11" version ... which sounded suspiciously low.
Not that I doubt UWS is a good vendor, but I'm personally glad I paid $12 more (total of $111.99 including shipping) for my 8" TigerLight to Dan Legg of Tacticalwarehouse.com--not to mention Dan "knows" he has it in stock.
Unless the savings are substantial, then I like supporting those vendors that maintain a presence here on the forums even if it means paying a bit more.
jeff told me it was for the '11 oc version, which i am looking to get this month. he said the '8 wasn't available/ready yet. he didn't have a price on the '8 yet. yes, it comes with both chargers and inert practice oc with the '11.
yes guncollector, dan is the man! i too will stick with him for a few $$'s more.