Titanium Quarks (Part 2)

Re: Titanium Quarks

In case anyone hasn't seen it, pics are up on the marketplace!

Here's one of them:

Note the *something* behind the torch on the far right...
Has anyone sand it matt yet? I'm tempted to..... :crazy:
Couldn't these be anodized or whatever it is that changes the color of the Ti? Anyone have a rainbow Ti Quark yet?
Just got back from Hawaii and my baby(AAt) was waiting for me! I didn't even unpack, I just made a bee line straight for the mail pile.

I couldn't wait to try it out so I grabbed the alky it came with and... scraaaaaatch goes the clip right above the #433.:banghead: I knew it was going to happen too...I just forgot to bend the clip out before unscrewing the head.

Anyway, it's definitely brighter then either my L1D Q5 or my D10 GDP(which was also in the mail pile back from repair). Tint is a little on the green side and the threads are rough but I don't mind. Being an R5 I thought for sure it would be cool blue.:shrug:

Sure is a puurdy light though!:kiss:
Just received my AA*2 Quark Ti today. #510. First thing I did was create 2 Tuxedo Alumi-Ti Quarks. If we can tuxedo Preons, I don't see why not with Quarks. What do you think?


Not sure I care for the greenish cast of the XP-G though. Seems really noticeable compared to the regular Quark. The diffused hotspot might be causing some of this effect, not sure.
Mine's greenih too - especially when compared to other lights like the Fenix or Olights. I'm surprised there aren't entire threads about it.
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Mine's greenih too - especially when compared to other lights like the Fenix or Olights. I'm surprised there aren't entire threads about it.

I know it kind of reminds me of a light that was getting hysteria around here a year ago The Energizer 1 watt 1xaa. Same green cast only this is without the rings. Needless to say that was a $17 light from Target and I returned it. I can't believe I'm saying this but I prefer the beam tint from the regular Quark. I do like the minimized hotspot of the XP-G but not the green color. If there is a bin with a pure white tint it might be my favorite. Time will tell.

For now I would say to get the look of this Ti light, it might be cool if 47's put out a polished bare aluminum to get roughly the same look and have no issues with galvanic corrosion issues, and better threads. A white XP-G or just use the regular Quark XP-E.
Mine's greenih too - especially when compared to other lights like the Fenix or Olights.
FWIW, you can see some beam shot comparisons that I did with a color reference chart included in the "hotspot" here.
Thanks eddyg! Great shots and very informative.

Honestly, the more I compare them(a lot) the bluer my other lights become. I think I'm starting to prefer the Quark.

I'm with beacon on this, I don't want warm, I don't want blue, I just want white. :candle:
Whew, I was beginning to think that I was nearly the only one around here who was very dissapointed in the tint of these XPG's. I have done comparisons on all sorts of indoor targets, around the yard and out in the woods when returning from hunting. I just don't like it. It does make green stuff brilliant, grass and leaves are very bright green. But reds and oranges turn brown and earth tones take on a gastly green palor. I too have shied away from warmer tints like 5A, as it starts to turn green foliage brown. Either just the warm side of the cool whites or as pure of a white as possible if I can't have that is what I am liking, now that we actually have such a choice!

The only time I don't mind them is when on at least "high", when the volume of light, and possibly some tint-shift to the white side in the LED, makes it less noticable. But I mostly use the lower settings on my lights.

I was all set to jump on a Preon (or two), but knowing that they will have these LED's, I have put that on long-term hold, just because of the tint issue. I can certainly afford to be a tint snob with the L0D, LD01 and LF2XT already in my arsenal.

I sure wish there was easy access to the heads of these TI lights, because these are destined for a lot of shelf duty without an emitter swap.
Fortunately my colour blindness means I have problems with greens and browns so I don't notice shade differences as much as others. I like the tint of mine and in use I have no issues. Ignorance is bliss I guess. I like the polished look but wouldn't mind a more dull finish like my Lunasol.
My Ti AA only show evidence of a slight green in moon mode, and that's looking really hard. Every other mode is really white. Got lucky i guess.:D
As always "Your experience WILL vary!"

Tint lottery is alive and well on my 2 ti quarks and falls in the range of the 50+ other production LED flashlights I own.

PS People perceive tints differently as well, a light I call creamy white may be greenish or blueish to another person.

My Quarks are both very "white" one a bit pinkish and the other creamy yellowish to my eyes.