About a year ago I bought an expensive, new, old stock Nitecore from the Nitecore Amazon store. Think I paid $350,, not sure,, it had quad reflectors. Anyway, it never worked out of the box, and I tried two sets of 18650 charged batteries, still nothing. I contacted Nitecore China customer service, and they said it was too old. Upon verifying my purchase date (owned it less than 1 year, never even opened the box until after 8-10 months) and serial number, they said ship it to them in China. I did that,, they said all is well, and shipped it back. Still doesn't work. That happened several months ago,, a $350 Nitecore paperweight. I does look pretty. Anyway, I think I was played. They wouldn't think I would go to all the hassle and further expense again to ship to china again, and besides,, they 'said' it worked. Now it can be said it is an intermittant problem, but it never happens for them. After seeing that light sitting in a corner of the room, I just keep getting reminded of the waste of time and money.. I just tried eight 123 batteries in it, still nothing. I'm done with Nitecore, and think I'll just stick with Malkoff and Elzetta,, and maybe Surefire. That's the problem with a lot of cheap flashlights, if you drop them they're garbage. I never even dropped this Nitecore and it is now going to the landfill.